Please I need help I'm frustrated with setting up ethereum with phoenix miner ssl on awesomeminer do you have any guide for setting it up I'm always stuck in fan speed but when normally running it on the Phoenix miner without awesome miner it working fine but when start running it in awesome miner I always stuck in temp and fan speed.
Initialize diagnostics (2)
Starting Diagnostics. Awesome Miner version: 5.3.3
Starting Mining Software
Setting up Miner Engine. Instance: 1
Engine Type: EthClayMiner, Auto Download: False, EnginePath: C:\Users\aiden\Desktop\PhoenixMiner_3.0c\PhoenixMiner_3.0c\PhoenixMiner.exe, Subtype: Disabled, CustomExecutable:
C:\Users\aiden\Desktop\PhoenixMiner_3.0c\PhoenixMiner_3.0c\PhoenixMiner.exe -cdmport 3333 -mode 1 -wd 1 -r -1 -mport 4028 -logfile "C:\Users\aiden\AppData\Local\AwesomeMiner\claylog.txt" (WindowMode: ConsoleFormat, EngineType: EthClayMiner, IsProfitMiner: False)
POOL: ssl://, PSW: x, WORKER: 0xb6E5D8047776F0f13117b651749589F50225FC4D, ESM: 0, ALLPOOLS: 1
Configured command line:
-cdmport 3333
> Phoenix Miner 3.0c Windows/msvc - Release
> -----------------------------------------
> The following options are not supported and are ignored:
> -mode
Mining Engine Process started, PID: 7080
> Available GPUs for mining:
> GPU1: GeForce GTX 1070 (pcie 1), CUDA cap. 6.1, 8 GB VRAM, 15 CUs
> GPU2: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (pcie 5), CUDA cap. 6.1, 11 GB VRAM, 28 CUs
> GPU3: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB (pcie 8), CUDA cap. 6.1, 6 GB VRAM, 10 CUs
> Listening for CDM remote manager at port 4028 in full mode
> Eth: the pool list contains 1 pool
> Eth: primary pool: ssl://
> Starting GPU mining
> Eth: Connecting to ethash pool ssl:// (proto: EthProxy)
> Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool (
> GPU1: 35C 43%, GPU2: 31C 40%, GPU3: 34C 42%
Stopping miner process ...
Prepare stopping Mining Software
Stopping Mining Software
> Quitting...
Diagnostics completed