Is it possible to configure an external managed profit miner running Linux (nvOC for example)?
I was hoping to at least be able to call scripts via ssh to change the "coin" on the nvOC rig and then restart the miner, but I'm not seeing how to do that.
I looked under rules and I don't see any triggers related to profit switching that would then allow me to create an action to ssh a "coin change" to a Linux miner.
Is there a trick I'm missing that allows this functionality?
There are no profit switching triggers for rules currently in AM. It has been a requested feature.
You can setup the scripts to manually switch as an action though. You'd need to setup the SSH scripting through putty or plink as in this guide:, in theory, you could use AM to manually run your user-defined actions to call putty so that it can execute some commands (as per nvoc's documentation When you are in your miner view, there is quick access to these Actions in the bar at the top. If nothing else, you will be prepared with all of your Actions defined if some profit switching triggers get added in AM later, or someone offers a plugin to do so.
There is a C# script interface for the trigger where you could define your own profit switching trigger, but that functionality would have to come outside of AM.
Any plans for a remote agent for Linux?
Patrike has mentioned that is could be a possibility, but I think that's going to take a bit of time... mostly because no two linux distros are the same. I don't envision that a remote agent for a "roll your own" linux system would be supportable. Patrike would have to offer his own linux distro that he knows and can program around to incorporate the remote agent and known paths for the mining software and settings. Can you imagine all the posts here with "I can't figure out how to set firewall settings in Linux to allow remote agent communication", or "how do you overclock in linux"... all of which would have nothing to do with AM.
So right now I'm just using AM to monitor my nvOC rigs, which is ok, but I was hoping for more. Also, I'm running DSTM 0.5.8 on the nvOC rigs with API/telemetry enabled, but all it is pulling back is very basic info about the GPU's on each rig. See below:
So I take it this is a limitation of DSTM?
Not all mining software will expose those values through their API.