So the problem with antivirus is solved, I just had to turn off whole antivirus to let AwesomeMiner download necessary files and now it runs without any problems.
But there is another problem - my "daily profit" has fallen down to almost half value, than I had 2 weeks ago. On GPU 1060 6G+ I had between $4-6 / day, now I have around $2-2.5... Anyone with the same problem here?
What has the price of the coin done over the same period of time? Has your reported hash rate changed from the last install to now?
To be honest, I don't remember exact hash rate before reinstall.. But the coin price should be almost the same, it mines many coins (using miningpoolhub and there appears: Skein, Vertcoin, ZCash, ZClassic, ZenCash, Bitcoin-Gold, Monacoin, etc...)
So could you please give me maybe an advice, if there is some, what should be the best configuration?
Thank you!
I guess first of all you need to make sure your GPU is hashing at the rate that's on par with all other GTX1060s, then make sure you aren't getting rejected shares. Obviously you want to do some overclock to get the most out of your mining.
a rough range you should expect for the algos you seem to mine above is below:
Equihash > 300 sol/s
cryptonight > 500 H/s
Eth - 22~24 MH/s
lyra2rev2 ~ 24 MH/s
Nist ~ 30 MH/s
NeoScrypt ~ 650 kH/s
Skein ~ 240 MH/s
Myr-gr > 40 MH/s
and so on...for GTX 1060, start off Core/Mem/Power with +100/+400/75%....most cards are willing to take it...then depend on your cards' make, you can adjust to get a stable yet efficient hashrate.