I get a popup error I'd have to load it again to see using it with Generic Miner so no basically as far as getting some kind of Diagnostics report .... then i tired it with EWBF's CUDA Zcash miner with the upload tool replacing EWBF's CUDA Zcash miner sense it's command line are all most the exact same with different names an it loaded fine with no stats in AM, if i saw stats I don't think i would ask an I went to the miners thread an asked to add api support for the miner ,they told me in a nice way if uses Java for api support so no .....
EWBF's CUDA Zcash miner
DTSM miner
DTSM miner seems a lot more stable then EWBF's CUDA Zcash miner and is faster ... even after the mishap that happen the other day with version 5.4 with the Dev an his greed for fees he seemed more worried about the fees then anything ...but its fixed, i don't use it because I'm hocked on awesome miner and use AM for everything i do mining, it can handle ..IF you add it you add it . I'll live if not, I don't have a issue with EWBF's CUDA Zcash miner other then it's slower after i figured out why it would stop on me some times . so all good ..
Id thought Id ask for DTSM miner support, can't hurt to ask ...
but the pool switching I'm all for if you get it working flawlessly, i use a proxy that switches on a set timer, i won't need to ....sense I'm not mining for short term profit, i mine to keep the coins .it's prefect no proxy needed and it works with GPU's or any miner or looks like it will ... plus things got better for me, so i hold on to coins now .....
I haven't set up any temp plates had no need to but if it switches better using them with 4.2 and auto switch on a timer which I'm trying now, I'll learn how to .