Anyway you can reduce the switching interval down to 1 minute min from 5 minute for pools that benefit from faster intervals...
Anyway you can add algo's: C11 (Mainly).......... and possibly hmq1725, tribus, and timetravel on zpool?
If you do add tribus, your going to need to add ccminertribus2.1 as its the latest miner supporting it as of now... could change the lower limit of the switching a bit, but keep in mind that you may waste a lot of your hashes if you switch that frequently. First of all it may take a few seconds for you mining software to make the change and some pools may favor miners that works for longer period of times.
I'm currently working on some changes to how algorithms, pool services like nicehash/zpool/MPH and mining software are configured. This will allow you to add any new zpool algorithm, with statistics and profit switching support without waiting for a new version of Awesome Miner.
Edit: I did read your full PM on this topic, so I fully understand that zpool do allow faster switching than what you can configure today.
I really appreciate the response, just to add to the switching time reasoning. I ran multiple 4 card rigs on different intervals for a few days, initially my 30/60 minute intervals were leading, but what i found after running these test multiple days on zpool, was when the small shit coins with super inconsistent profits have their crazy spikes like they do a few times a day for a few minutes. You will see them spike for like 5 or 6x their normal profit values for x amount of minutes, sometimes i have caught spikes for less than 3 minutes at 10x levels, so after catching enough of these over a 24hr period for multiple days the results on my rigs i was testing with changed...
Basically on the longer 30/60 minute intervals, they pulled ahead on the days the market is very slow and not alot of trade volume or volatility is occurring on the coins, but after running my test for 4 1/2 days the last 2 days of the testing i had a lot of spikes occur, which resulted in my 1 minute interval rig overcoming the gap in earnings and pulled ahead by a good margin tell the spikes went away on the 1/2 day before my testing was interupted by hardware issue due to power cutting out for multiple hours from thunderstorm, which also caused me to suffer multiple gpu loss....
since then, i have left 1 rig on 30 and placed all my others on 1 minute intervals and even tho the 30 minute interval is not trailing by much, but over 2 weeks of running it this way on zpool, the super high spike days just keep the earnings just slightly higher by about 3-5% on most days, so with the crazy traffic going on with btc soaring back up after the segwit scares, the spikes have been steadily pulling daily about 5% a day on earnings..
the few days that btc was around 1800-2000, the 30 minute interval blew past and stayed ahead for a few days tell this current week in mining...
to bad their is not some sort of indicator you could easily add to the software to detect the estimated best interval time based on volatility... because 1 super crazy high spike will pump your mining wallet in a very short period of time, all while your still mining away at something else during a 30 minute window..
I have always wondered if you could set like a hybrid profit switch set of rules, basically use the 24hr actual earnings JSON data as the main source of info for the profit switching, basically mine the coin with the highest AVERAGE 24hr profit earings rate per hardware, then throw in rules which would check the server every 60 seconds for possible high spikes, then set up rules if profit from new coin is higher than 2x or 3x current mined coin, then switch, otherwise continue to mine current most proifitable 24hr earning algo...
This type of switching would limit the amount of switching unless there is multiple coins within pennies of each other in 24hr profit earnings, but it could potentially catch the super high spikes to add extra to the wallet. The longer mining periods on the 24hr coins would allow you to get the long block bonuses as from my research, the coins with highest 24hr profits for my 1080ti rigs maybe change 1-3 times a WEEK, so the same algo would be mined for longer periods of time... I think this would potentially be the highest way to make earnings off a pool like zpool, but not MPH