is it possible to switch between 2 gpu miners I have created in awesome miner? I figure this would be a profit switching thing but I need to be able to manually control the profit switching parameters which doesn't seem possible.
I mine a coin that uses 3 algorithms. 1 algo for GPU, 1 for CPU, and 1 for ASIC and it rotates so 38% of the time it's GPU, 60% CPU, and 2% ASIC.
So one miner I made mines that 3-Algo coin and I made a second miner to mine other things when the first miner is not mining it's 38%.
The problem right now is that both miners just run equally so I don't get the full hashrate on the 3-algo coin because the other miner is stealing resources.
Thank you for any help.
Thanks for your question. This sounds like a very special case.
If the first mining software is doing active mining only 38% of the time, the main question is how Awesome Miner can know when it's mining and when it isn't mining. Is the mining software running all the time, but only get work from the pool 38% of the time, resulting in a hashrate above zero for 38% of the time and a hashrate of 0H/s the remaining time?
If it's possible to define a criteria from an Awesome Miner point of view, it should be possible to use the rules in Awesome Miner (Options dialog, Rules section). You could have one rule looking for the scenario when to start the second miner and another rule to look for the scenario when to stop the second miner. The Miner Statistics trigger can be used on the first miner to detect hashrate levels for example.
Thank you very much for your thoughtful reply. I'm really tired today and spent a lot of time this weekend staying up way to late because I just thought API interactions were so cool but I'm not actually a programmer lol
For now, this inventions mother, necessity, is on hiatus as profitability of Grin mining took a dump. I'll definitely reference this in the future and look more into rules as you suggest.
I did learn a lot about awesome miner. It doesn't play very nice after a miner is converted to profit switching mode. I say that because in the normal mode I had it configured to use a specific bat file but I think it goes to the default downloaded miner location after switching to profit mode. I was playing around a lot with the command line syntax and trying to find places where I had somehow configured the command line twice. Ultimatetly, I got it to where both miners would run in "profit mode" but when the EPIC cash miner wasn't active it would stop the miner because I think it didn't know what to do. I was also having difficulty convincing the miner that EPIC was profitable even though the coin parameters all correctly parsed to API links I tested and my profit profile seemed similar to the one I configured for Grin (which worked and showed profit).
edit: By the way, I can "dual/alternate" mine in TTminer for epic/ethereum but TTminer does not support grin. The programmer there just made it so I append an "AALT" alternative miner line of commands after the first line of commands for the primary coin/algo.
edit2: Just tracking this further, "You could have one rule looking for the scenario when to start the second miner and another rule to look for the scenario when to stop the second miner. The Miner Statistics trigger can be used on the first miner to detect hashrate levels for example." Or to put this in other words, I could have a rule that starts the Grin miner when the epic miner hashrate drops to some level and then another rule to stop the grin miner when Epic hashrate goes up again. and maybe even another rule to never kill the epic miner no matter what. So, start/stop rules for Grin and hopefully an always on rule for epic. "The Miner Statistics trigger" ...tracking!
It's the same thing as you are saying. It just helps me to get closer to how it can work. Truth is, I'll probably poke away at this some more because it's so neat lol.
take care!