I am using HIVEOS + AM.
Already tryed:
1) Command line (After save, AM cannot restart the process of mining - Not allowed)
2) GPU clock profiles: Only if you pay another kind of license
3) Advanced then Variables: Not make efect
Please, someone can send me a print with an example showing how to add PM parameters?
Can you please start the miner with the Diagnostics button and share the output with me? This should indicate why Phoenix Miner didn't accept your custom parameters. Thanks!
this is the log:
Initialize diagnostics (10)
Starting Diagnostics (30s). Awesome Miner Remote Agent version: 8.1.7
OS: Unix
GPU Details:
Microsoft .NET Framework: 4.0.30319.42000
Microsoft VC++ 2013 runtime installed: No
Microsoft VC++ 2015 runtime installed: No
Microsoft VC++ 2017 runtime installed: No
Microsoft VC++ 2019 runtime installed: No
Starting Mining Software
Setting up Miner Engine. Instance: 1
Engine Type: PhoenixMiner, Auto Download: True, EnginePath: , Subtype: Disabled, CustomExecutable:
Properties: (WindowMode: ConsoleFormat, EngineType: PhoenixMiner, IsProfitMiner: False)
/root/.config/AwesomeMinerService/phoenixminer_5.2d_linux.tar_1/PhoenixMiner_5.2d_Linux/PhoenixMiner -fanmin 90 -cclok 1200 -cmem 2000 -fanmin 92 -wdog 1 -rmode 0 -cdm 2 -cdmport 4028
POOL:, WAL: 0x10a035bddc2d3a404860e918278cf375ae435793, WORKER: AM, PASS: x, PROTO: 2, ALLPOOLS: 1
Configured command line:
-fanmin 90 -cclok 1200 -cmem 2000
Failed to start miner process: Process has exited, so the requested information is not available.
Failed to start miner in Diagnostics mode
Diagnostics completed
If it still doesn't work, please try the following:
./PhoenixMiner -fanmin 90 -cclock 1200 -mclock 2000 -fanmin 92 -wdog 1 -rmode 0 -cdm 2 -cdmport 4028
Any errors?