Not much info in the op.
First 39 blocks had 60,000,000 coins each = 2,340,000,000
That was the premine?
Difficulty retarget time is 1 hour
90 seconds block time
60,000 BAT's per block
6 confirmations for transaction
70 confirmations for mined blocks
91,000,000,000 total coins
6 Guano blocks a day will deliver X4 more coins, and a super Guano block X10 coins every 4 days.
Special reward on block 1337
2% wallets over 1b on Cryptopia, but what is the total coin supply?
Is there any explorer that shows details?
Cryptopia has only 1 connection and they say block height 1,022,293 but prohashing has 7 connections and a height of 1,022,302