Hey guys,
As promised, I'm sharing first screens of GUI design. Also, all icons are uniquely designed from scratch. Final design might vary. Feel free to give your feedback!
My motivational BBR coinjar address is:
@bitcrea or simply: 1KjAkQLDtDqNn5TWwufygAP6CMnWk4ySo5YEEBkJxYTLfEFLaiysN1XZzzjFAfv7puRjAz4rQLrHn4T
All the best,
Wow, it really is sexy! Great work! Is this being built in a qt designer, or just concept so far? I have a suggestion that may not make much difference design-wise. In the address book, can we have both alias/address listed for convenience? What I mean is, if I add an alias, can it also show the regular address? For things that don't accept aliases. Also, I wonder about that unconfirmed (2 of 6) up top if there are multiple unconfirmed transactions what that would show? And what's the search portion for?
Thanks a lot guys!
It is just a concept so far, I'm getting near the completion of it.
Yes, our plan is: you'll be able to add any name to any address and add alias next to it if the user has it. What you'll see will be: Address, Name (that you assign by yourself to the address), Alias and probably some note field.
I'll need to talk about unconfirmed tx with zoidberg.
Search option is for finding any information quickly. For example: transaction, alias, address. It might become handy if you use BBR constantly.
Thanks a lot,