Edit: here the flag against BC.game can be found:
I have a TERRIBLE experience with BC.game. I registered with them at the end of July, after reading some positive reviews about them.
So, I deposited 150mbtc on the 28th of July. In the next week I placed 1 bet in the sportsbook and played several casino games and on August 2nd my total balance was 248mbtc. This was ofcourse my 150mbtc deposit, plus 10mbtc casino winnings and 88mbtc sportsbook winnings. Then I tried to place another sports bet but to my surprise I saw the maximum stake was only about the equivalent of $1. Apparently I was heavily limited so I decided to request a withdrawal because playing with such stakes is ofcourse no fun to me. But then the problems started. To my surprise the withdrawal was rejected and added back to my balance. So I went into the livechat and asked for the reason. I brought up that maybe I didn't rollover my entire deposit enough times, but then after checking I did actually roll it over more than 3 times so this could not have been the issue. And then the rediculous answer came: I was asked to first lose my winnings intentionally until I had only my deposit amount left and only then I could withdraw. I was stunned and never ever heard such a weird request from a CS representative. It was so rediculous I couldn't even care to respond to this anymore. I thought this must be a mistake, right? Someone maybe due to poor English saying something different than was meant? I decided to send an email to the general support address and asked if this was serious. All I got back was this reply, and after that never anything else anymore:
Thank you for contacting us. Please be advised that we are receiving an increased number of emails that may cause some delay in our reply. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to address this situation.
We have forwarded your account issue to our relevant team, and it is under review. We will get back to you with further updates once our team completes the required process and checks. Kindly wait for our response.
We appreciate your patience and understanding. Thank you.
In the mean time (we were now around August 5th) my balance had been cut from 248mbtc to 160mbtc as apparently about a week after the bet was settled as won, BC.game decided to void the bet on their own behalf since they started to understand that I wasn't going to lose my winnings intentionally by myself (how is that even possible, losing intentionally? what if you go on a winning run?).
So then I went on to contact Efialtis (who has a signature campaign for BC.game) on this forum and he put me in touch with some manager from BC.game on Telegram (someone called "High Priest"). I thought he would be reasonable and understand that this is a rediculous situation. But instead he said the bet was void because of "incorrect odds displayed". I tried to explain to thim that there was nothing wrong with the odds. I actually placed another bet on the same outcome 1 minute later (during the same break in between innings, so nothing had changed in between and in fact it probably wasn't 1 full minute later but more like 30 seconds but due to rounding it showed on the timestamp as 1 minute later) on another sportsbook using the same odds provider as them (500.casino) and there this exact same bet was not void. The bet was on exactly the same selection and had the exact same odds of 2.10 and there it was not void. But this manager stuck to his story and said the decision was final. He also mentioned that he found it dodgy that I placed the exact same bet on another sportsbook, but there is a very simple explanation for this: the maximum stake on BC.game was not to my liking so I added a second bet on the other sportsbook to reach my desired total stake. And next to this, I don't think it's BC.game's business to judge my betting behaviour in other sportsbooks and btw the bet was already void before I mentioned this placement of a second bet in another sportsbook, so this cannot even have played in role in the voiding. I tried to convince him further but noticed by messages were not even being delivered anymore since he must have blocked me on Telegram.
I am flabbergasted. It was a purely normal bet on an MLB game (New York Mets vs Washington Nationals). It was on New York Mets +5,5 runs handicap while they were 1-8 behind during a break in between innings. Meaning they still needed to score 2 more runs than the opponent from that moment on to win the bet. In the end the game finished 6-11 so the bet won narrowly. When there is a mistake in odds the odds provider can always void a bet, but in 99% of the cases this will happen within hours after the game, or in a very rare 1% maybe within 24 hours. But in my case the bet remained won and it was only voided by BC.game about a week later! Clearly it was not void from the odds provider side, but from BC.game side! This is also proven by the screenshot attached below, showing the same bet (same line, same odds) on 500.casino sportsbook which was won and paid out (and they let me withdraw the funds like normal).
I then even went one step further and made a bold move to ask 500.casino if there was perhaps something wrong with my bet. This is what I asked:
I do have an unusual question for you.
On the 30th July I placed an MLB bet with you with bet ID: 2297246562046321202
All good, it was won and settled correctly, no complaints about that.
But I had another bet on this particular MLB game in another sportsbook and there my bet was void with the reasoning that "something was wrong with the odds".
Can you double check with your odds provider if my bet placed with you was perhaps wrong too? If that is the case I might consider paying you back the funds since I don't want to win unfairly.
Or was all good with the bet and it was settled just fine? That would make me feel better at least.
Hope to hear from you soon, thanks!
And this was their reply:
We have forwarded the bet to our provider and we will review your claim. You will receive an answer as soon as we got any update.
500 Casino
And then one day later this:
Seems like there weren't any issues with that bet on our side.
500 Casino
So, despite me offering them the possibilty to give them back my stake if there really would have been something wrong with the odds, they still choose to remain honest and say the bet was valid and settled correctly. Kudos to 500.casino but I also didn't expect any other outcome, because that is how convinced I was my bet was fair and normal.
Next to this, I also asked a contact I have within Stake.com, who have the same odds engine but a lower win margin and therefore always 5% higher odds (in this case 0,05 higher odds) on all MLB live bets. Meaning they had this bet even at 2,15 odds (instead of the 2.10 from BC.game and 500.casino). But I didnt bet there because I am heavily limited in my stakes there, so all I could do was ask if there were any voids at all on this MLB game and the answer was no voids at all on the whole game.
So here I am now, being robbed and knowing I am in the right but BC.game can just do whatever they want apparently. All I can do is bring it to the attention of everyone in the forum and hope that people support me and that finally BC.game will realize they made a mistake here and credit back my 88mbtc of fair MLB winnings. And if they don't rectify this mistake then I will create a flag and hope this will warn other people againt this behaviour of BC.game in the future.
My personal thought is: they saw I was limited by the provider (weird after 1 bet anyway, but okay apparently it can happen) and they thought: this customer is useless for us, he will stop playing anyway now, let's see how we can not pay him. So first they try the rediculous "lose intentionally" strategy hoping I would bait on it. And when I didn't they just decided to void the bet a week after it had been settled as won.
And another proof that there was in fact nothing wrong with the odds is: why would you first ask me to lose my winnings intentionally if there clearly was an odds mistake? And why was the bet only void after about a week? Why not after a couple hours? And why did 500.casino ask their odds provider (Betby, the same as BC.game) if there was something wrong and the answer was no?
Oh and btw, just to be clear: I never took any bonuses on BC.game, only have one account, never used a VPN, am from a legal country (Germany) and my account is fully verified. So none of these things play any role here.
I am 100% convinced to be in the right here and I would like BC.game to do one of the following things:
1) be a man about it and admit the mistake, credit back the 88mbtc and I will close and delete this topic and we pretend it was just a bad day at the office.
2) agree with me that we hand over this case to an independent party such as Askgamblers or CasinoGuru. Let them decide and let it be a binding result.
3) ask your odds provider Betby why this bet was placed on erroneous odds, what exactly was wrong then and what should the correct odds have been? And why did they not void it on their other clients platforms? And why did it take 1 week for the void to take place if it was really voided by Betby?
Here are the screenshots:
Proof of my deposit on 28th July:
Proof of my bet still settled as won even on August 2nd:
And then later suddenly void:
Proof of the livechat with the rediculous request to lose my winnings intentionally:
Proof of the email conversation with 500.casino:
Proof of the bet placed in 500.casino which was not void even to this date and paid out just fine: