Cryptographers must be some of the most surveilled people in society. For the creators of CN and BCN to have retained their anonymity is quite an accomplishment. Confusion regarding the backstory and dates can only help them retain it.
How the hell would you know what the results of that (presumed) surveillance has been? Do you know everything the NSA, etc. know?
It might also be true to say that at this point you don't want to believe and have a vested interest in Monero
Except if you look at the historical record my skepticism and later disbelief predates the my interest in Monero. In fact it predates even the idea of Monero being created.
You have cause and effect reversed, not only for me but for many other (now) Monero supporters as well. We started off being intrigued by BCN/CN and being impressed by the technology. Many of us mined it and traded it and even started working on improving the code. The premine and other fabrications, once that started to come to light, is what drove us away.
And yet when all is said and done BCN wrote the first CN code (I dont believe that has ever been disputed) and more importantly continue to develop and are outpacing Monero I think it's fair to say.
I wonder who will listen and how many will care if BCN keep pushing development faster than XMR. I daresay some XMR supporters are STILL intrigued by BCN and STILL impressed by their technology. Indeed I'd be surprised if some of the XMR community werent a little perturbed by seeing healthy development from BCN still. Clearly BCN dev ears are deaf to Monero accusations and continue to develop, which is good for crypto-currency since the BCN devs have skills.
I also think it's fair to say that your identity, as are those of other Monero devs, is better known to the world at large than those of the BCN devs. Cryptography is in danger of becoming virtually illegal to develop (it seems to me) and if and when "the Man comes calling" we may better ascertain how well these devs have kept their anonymity.
Furthermore I don't doubt your motives in the beginning were good. However your long-standing position in the Monero Team and the obvious competitiveness with BCN makes it harder for non-Monerians to believe your motives remain good and altruistic (although tehy well could). You investment (at least of time) is far greater now than it once was, smooth.
The vast majority of criticism leveled at BCN still comes from XMR, a community which stands to lose more than any other from a healthy BCN. Lack of evidence, no silver bullet, no whistle-blowers… except yourselves who possess few facts and work mostly on supposition and so are not really whistle-blowers at all. "Absence of evidence is evidence of absence" I hear you say. Not always I reply.