Where/how can these quotes be seen?
-git repo suggests the current devs are the original devs. are they?
-was there ever a bytecoin dev statement (explanation) re broken miner/ premine debacle?
-when does pow mining end? what will happen after pow mining end
? proof-of stake?
website and twitter account very pro. some interesting bcn followers… wallets great.
curiouser and curiouser…hmm
Hi, Wanderlust! Welcome to Bytecoin Community. We are glad to meet you.
Answers to your questions:
Quotes: - check this to find more information about blockchain quotes
Git repo: yes, the current devs are original devs
Statement: Bytecoin devs spoke about the BCN early years in one of their interviews
PoW: You can check the date there , but you shouldn't be worried about this because Bytecoin has a significant roadmap that explains how the system will be developed further.
Also, Bytecoin has its own forum now - Don't hesitate to ask your questions on Bytecoin Talk!
thanks for the reply and warm greeting Cheesus
no sooner had i finished reading the interview you linked above i came upon this Harry interview published today!:
am I to infer the alleged premine accusations are unfounded and that BCN has been well mined by different mining groups at various stages of its existence? see quote below from Bytecoiner (linked above):
"There are several confirmed teams to have mined Bytecoin from mid-2012:”V.Hugo team”, “The R guy team”, “Dante” and “Einstein”.
Still, however big the number of “marked” blocks may seem it represents only a smallest fraction of the entire blockchain. Based on the previous statement one may conclude that the mining teams (pools) are just a small portion of vibrant BCN Community. Just to make this picture clearer: 10 teams, around 15 members each, it all comes down to at least 150 “identified” BCN stakeholders just like with Bitcoin. And don’t forget about those who just act on their own behalf."