Regret would always be on the end and not would really be found on the first or before you had commit out some consequences because of gambling.
Lots would tell that gambling is for fun and they're playing it just because of that reason but majority is playing is for the sake of profit or income in the worst.
When this kind of emotion and motive in mind then its no surprise that people would really be pushed up into their limits and spend up money
as long they do have on their own pocket.
People who involve in gambling slowly turns become addicted because they do not really know when they need to stop gambling. They only search for fun without thinking about the risk that they got in the long term. Yes, it is playing for fun in the beginning, but then it turns to be searching for money because they see themselves can win the game, and the other people can win the bigger money.
I think it is about how we manage emotion, especially greediness and all other things that can come in gambling. But I am sure that there is a responsible gambler who can manage almost everything in gambling.
Are you sure that most gamblers won't put up a budget even if it's for fun? I doubt.
I think there are more gamblers today that have became wiser and they're putting a budget and the right allocation to gamble. They do it because they've experienced improper budgeting for having fun as you say.
That's why the ones that are not doing it correctly are more of the new gamblers IMHO.
Most gambler, especially new people, will play gambling occasionally, so they may be not put up a budget for gambling. But then after they play for months, they will start to allocate some money and that means, they start becoming addicted to gambling. But maybe I am wrong in this way because I do not know what other gamblers do.
While the old gambler becomes wise and knows how to use the money for playing gambling, we have many new people who start playing gambling. It is a cycle that will not stop and the gambling business will still grow from time to time.