What does that even mean? You are an investor but you do not have confidence in your own investment?
WTF are you talking about? Where did you see personal attacks you are referring to? As for hostile feedback, this is an online discussion platform, get used to it.
It's a bit like a chicken and egg scenario. You cannot naively expect many active users on your site without first building confidence. Poor design leads to a bad first impression and poor user experience
This is another example of bad design and bad user experience. Learn from other casinos' examples.
You asked for other people's opinions. What you do with them is up to you. You can either accept them as constructive criticism and act on it, or deny them and go on as before.
It's the chicken and the egg problem again.
If you cant afford to throw in a few dollars to see for yourself then being on a gambling forum isn't really the place for you in my opinion, better spent time elsewhere.
LOL! You are such a sour loser! People here have a great selection of gambling sites to choose from other than your site. Don't overvalue yourself.
It's a very serious business to start a gambling site. It's obvious that you're not up to it.
And, before you accuse me of personal attack, I would like to emphasize that this is just my opinion based on what I have seen so far. I have absolutely nothing against you personally.