Would someone be so kind to inform me as to what the "Swap" column is under the "Active Positions" in the "Margin Trade" tab ?? If I have USD in the account and BTC, then what needs to be swapped? Is that going to be subtracted from the P/L in the end?
I already notice that they are subtracting all the fee's from the USD, everytime I sell a BTC in my margin position. I guess I would have thought that they would have done this at the end of the entire position because it seems like the P/L is not really going to be that accurate then if I am loosing money with each sell, but the P&L isn't going down from that..??
While I am not new to trading, the swap thing is new...
To say it in a simplistic way the swap is the amount of money your position has costed you so far (i.e. interest to pay).
This amount will be subtracted from your gains (or added to your losses) once your position is closed.
On the other hand the selling commission is subtracted from the USD account because is considered as "non characteristic" to your trading position.
In other words paying commissions is something you also do in a normal non leveraged trade and therefore (according to GAAP) should not be put into account it the trading page calculation.
I hope this helps
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