We will certainly keep you posted and guesses at the new features are certainly welcome?
Are you going to start encrypting sensitive info?
Are you going to start keeping records of players tournament history? Maybe even allow players to access their tournament history!?
Are you going to start requiring email verification?
Are you going to start maintaining a database of all hands dealt and have one person on staff learn how to use it effectively?
Are you going to train William to be less aggressive?
Are you going to train plo8 to be less passive?
Are you going to train Jessica to be less of a passive aggressive bitc oin user?
Excellent questions twitchyseal.
1. Nearly all sensitive data is already encrypted and we are increasing the security even more with our next update that will occur within 4 weeks. Currently we are testing the software in the dev environment and have another poker update that should be occurring first within 10-14 days.
2. YES! This will be included in the next update as well. The only reason is wasn't included when we launched is because some competitors didn't require it at the time in 2013 and it was thought by management to be best, but after discussing it some time and you and others feedback as well as reducing multi-accounting it will be implemented.
3. We have at our disposal what our providers offer and we are working with them to increase this and provide even more data to our great players. We will keep you posted here but expect to see more data available with successive updates though we can't explicitly speak as to when this will be available.
4. Yes, certainly. He is very passionate about Betcoin and as you know you have the ability to get under his skin a bit. He does have respect for you, however and knows your heart is in the right place as you are at Betcoin daily and with posts like this only seek to help improve our great community.
5. Plo is doing an excellent job and has been going above and beyond what is asked of him at this time. We won't seek to change plo's personality.
6. I don't even believe Jessica uses bitcoin at this time, though she is obviously very familiar with it.
Thanks twitch!