This is the residual plot, i.e., the difference between the Series 1 and Series 2 of my last chart. It seems a bubble is likely to pop when the price is e^1.5 = 4.48 times over the trend line.
For the first bubble, one would have sold at $17.16 on 04/06/2011, 5 days before the bubble pop but only 53% of the bubble top
For the second bubble, one would have sold at $211.97 on 09/04/2013, just the day before the bubble pop with 79.7% of the bubble top
For the latest bubble, one would have sold at $976 on 28/11/2013, 7 days before the bubble pop with 84.6% of the bubble top
So the advice could be to start selling when it is over by 4.48 times. Sell more when it goes higher.
For buying, it seems any pirce below or near the trend line would be okay, except for the bear market after first bubble