i added him last week with my Wildcard. Yesterday he was subbed off because of an injury and could miss the next game, great use of a Wildcard alright well, at least i wasn't the only who got obliterated by the GW of surprises, but still, not good enough
It was just a knock and It seems Guardiola trust him more now than to pair both Stones and Dias together, and more especially the kinda goals they conceded all which were after he got subbed out, I think I'd still leave him in for the next game week, until he's fit and I'm sure Guardiola his only choosing to bench him... furthermore, at least you ended up with more points than you'd have had if you had gone for Liverpool defender or that of Chelsea.
I mean, I just had to quote myself, I could say I saw this coming from a mile away, but that still didn't stop Salah from getting a goal anyways, he saved the day for a lot of folks. With Liverpool drawing the first two first to losing to the worse team in the league after to games, isn't that some sort of trouble in paradise ?
Anyone that have stayed clear off Liverpool's defenders and Alisson would by a huge margin better off, so much for spending those shit loads of fortune on Arnold and Robertson, perhaps It's high time I ditched Robertson too at least Liverpool begin to get their shits together.