I had Wirtz as a captain and thought of replacing him with Kane, luckily I did not.
England was so disappointing after taking the lead early on, if they continue playing like this I'll replace all of their players.
The biggest disappointment of the EUROs so far, and I have 3 of them in my team.
Why would anyone want to risk his 20 pointer captain for anyone else in this difficult round with unexpected results? I had Mittlesadt as my first captain choice, he dropped a stinker and switched it to Foden, he also ghosted but his ball recovery points were enough to accumulate a 10 pointer, I had the chance to switch it over to either Mbappe or Lukaku then I said to myself "fck it no more moving" and luckily for me both Lukaku and Mbappe dropped a stinker to make me feel proud of my decision.
Now I need Bruno masterclass today to shoot me to top5
Lukaku giving out pure Darwin vibes, missing chances left and right and then scoring screemers when VAR has enough to eule them out.
If I knew you have him I would have looked elsewhere for striker points
I also didn't check buwatress lineup I would have done the same. When buwaytress captain someone it's good enough reason to avoid such a player.