The plinkoo new game is great. There is a lot of configuration that will change the odds for the game and I think that it is better if you make some notes or FAQ on how to get the desired payout for the plinkoo. It is hard for a new players to get the odds they want , too many to set and try by yourself Grin
BTW what is the function of slope? I dont see anything besides the colour pins change
The pin colors are random, they change all the time :-)
The 'slope' parameter is the steepness of the slope used for scaling the payouts as you move from the center towards left/right side.
Consider that the slope at the lowest value is basically something very close to a straight line. As you increase slope, the straight line turns into something more "U" shaped, ie: slope increases and it get's steeper so the values towards the right/left edge of the line increase which in turn causes the values towards the center to decrease, since the house edge of 1% must be preserved.
Hopefully this gives you an idea of what slope does. If not, let me know and I'll try to give you a more accurate description.