We might publish a tutorial about how to exchange Nexiums on Openledger, that's be useful I think.
I just published our timeline, that should answer some questions: https://beyond-the-void.net/index.php/timeline/
In any case, we can't push forward to be listed on marketplaces/exchanges until we burn the unsold Nexiums like we said we would. It is scheduled next week, and might be delayed depending on how much time people backing with BCY need.
The reason is: people have to change their PROTONEXIUM to Nexium for us to be able to calculate their backer rank.
Once the backer ranks are determined, then we can distribute Nexium bonus and assets according to each rank.
And, once this is done, we can safely burn the remaining Nexiums.
Again, being listed on other exchange platforms is one of our goals, but nothing is sure yet. You actually can help us by asking your preferred exchange to allow the trade of Nexiums.
Thank you!
Request page to add to poloniex is here: https://poloniex.com/coinRequest
We need to know, what will the coins symbol be? NXM does not appear on polo... is that an option? Haven't looked at other exchanges.
Also, there are 2 threads for Beyond the Void here on bitcointalk, which one should be used as the Nexium ANN page?