See, there you go again, posting bullshit CreativeX. This is why you appear to be completely incapable of posting honest information. Even something as simple and mundane as this you just can't resist posting a pack of lies.
Greyhawk lied in a post to which I had absolutely nothing to do with:
What is the latest forecast timeline for BFL now?
It is subject to change, because Josh is trying to knock off 7 days off the 2 day projected bumping process.
He initiated this falsehood on his own, with no input from me. Ergo your idiotic statement about me "crying because of what Greyhawk posted" is demonstrably false. No matter how many times I demonstrate what you say is false and provide you with evidence, you are incapable of understanding simple logic. You are, in a word, an idiot. This is why I barely bother with you anymore and I probably shouldn't even bother engaging in this pointless discussion with you. You simply can not grasp the concept of simple logic, it's so far beyond you that it's unlikely you will ever be able to obtain it.
YOU receive no respect because you deserve none. I give respect to people who post intelligent, thoughtful posts with well reasoned arguments. You have never, to my knowledge, demonstrated even the slightest ability to make an intelligent, thoughtful or well reasoned post. All of your posts are rhetoric, lies and false information. This is not an opinion. Your lies have been pointed out to you on numerous occasions, backed up by your own words and contradictions, but you simply refuse to admit that you are too stupid to understand the actual conversation and back out gracefully, instead pushing forward like a small child determined to insert himself into the conversation between adults.
I dare you to try to post nothing but factual information for one week. Just try it, see where it gets you. To date, you've been unable to go more than a few posts without posting false information, I doubt you can make it a day, but a day is meaningless to well reasoned adults. So if you can make it a week, I might have a shred of respect for you, but until you can stop posting false information, constant lies and bullshit, you deserve zero respect from anyone and I have nothing but contempt for you. You provide nothing of value to this community (or any community I would imagine, given what I've seen here.)