@ 2 x 40gh/s
two orders @ 1707 & 1733, you can remove one from that, cause, I did not complete the bitcoin transaction through bit pay, if they give a new address to complete, I might be happy(I am really happy with one though), according to the posts then, the units I receive would be the 50th piece, we have a half century.....now going on to the next piece which would be the 76th one in the line.
As of now, I am offering that if unconfirmed one also gets confirmed, I shall be offering up one for sale. I am not looking at this as profit making chance or anything. At best we will hold a lottery. I expect close to real price and also only minor add-on amount for getting it decently quick to the order table for you.
why isn't anyone offering their line in the queue for some crazy amount, couldn't resist asking that........
just hope I am getting the first one in the Indian Subcontinent......probably possible....
"two orders @ 1707 & 1733, you can remove one from that, cause, I did not complete the bitcoin transaction through bit pay,"
how do you look up this info?