Please stop the name-calling, it looks foolish.
I understand that people is invested in BBP and lower prices are a concern for everyone.
Knowing that this is a cyclical pattern in the crypto/alt-coin world does not help relieve the pain.
However there is only one formula that has worked in the past and will work in the future, which is sticking to the plans, keeping the values strong, and try to offer higher value to the coin project, even in ever changing environments.
Currently the money is out of the markets and it does not distinguish between the gold and the iron, the worthy and the scam. It's happening to practically all coins.
The only way to survive is keeping up the good work, so when the money comes back to town, we are there in the first places in terms of technical development, governance and accountability.
Yes; I agree with this 100%. Yes, we should be sticking to our fundamentals.
Now I will explain why I deleted a few posts a couple pages back from people who start trying to change practices, or call us a failure claiming the original design has flaws, or claiming I'm the one making mistakes, or claiming we are untrustworthy.
Let me state this in a clearer fashion: We never were untrustworthy, we have always paid all of our bills, and all of the expenses and income are clearly visible in a crystal clear manner and reconcile to There is only one chain (Ive even received a PM stating we were hiding part of the block chain). There is only one chain and it adds up, and there are no hidden balances.
I've invested in BiblePay because I believe in it, not because I worship Mammon. As a matter of fact one of my prayers this morning was to Burn the mammon out of BiblePay. I want God to be able to bless BiblePay's purity for its goodness, and lets extricate any spirit of mammon out of biblepay and code features in that help spread the Gospel.
When we added a proposal to open the floodgates to more BOINC researchers, it is not out of desparation to 'change' the original mining algorithm - its a PR feature. It gives us the ability to enable the non-biblepay-team percentage spork.
So anyone who claims we are a scam, please post Solid evidence and we will point you to the record that shows we have always been legitimate.
In general I'm sure 99% of our base knows we have a legitimate and worthy mission and does not distrust biblepay. It's generally the scammers who don't trust us. The ones who won't enter the Kingdom of God because they are worldly and worship Mammon.