They are in the DIP3 list and I've been getting rewards consistently. Both controller wallet and sanctuary wallets are on the same chain, and they are not on a fork as far as I can tell...
Can you please post the voting command including the id you are using, as I voted manually for Togos proposal and it worked but I did it from the rpc.
I tried to vote using the GUI. I can't remember the command to pull all the Proposal ID's, and I don't know if I can copy them from the GUI proposal tab So I can't try it from the rpc for now. How can I find a list of all the current Proposal ID's that I can copy/paste so I can try it from the rpc? There used to be an overview of all the proposals on right?
Ok yes cause I would like to try to reproduce with one that actually throws the gov exception error, so one way, is to type:
gobject list all proposals
Could you try voting on the woocommerce one? 98e09d657fb771f1559ab046af76d295ebde16f563d35ff9bc95ff738ae725f7
gobject vote-many objid funding yes
And let me know if successful and also, then try voting on the one you tried earlier and paste the vote string so I can reproduce?
Note that we have not passed the mandatory height yet, but thats another topic (partially related though).
Yes, it's working fine manually from the rpc

gobject vote-many 98e09d657fb771f1559ab046af76d295ebde16f563d35ff9bc95ff738ae725f7 funding yes

"overall": "Voted successfully X time(s) and failed 0 time(s).",
From the GUI I tried voting for all the proposals that are currently in the 'Proposals' list, and they all got the same error I mentioned before.
I think we are OK then, the reason you cant vote now is we are past the 'end epoch period' for the monthly gov proposal block (166050). (I confirm it is actually too late to vote to change the outcome of this monthly trigger). Also there are a couple changes coming - at height 166075, we switch over to pure dip3 DM mode.
So lets do this, please wait til next months proposals start kicking in then lets vote for one as early as possible and the error should go away. (We tested that in testnet).
I do confirm I receive the same error as you in my GUI so yes we are on the same page.
I tried voting again from the GUI on some new proposals and initially got the same error as last time:
Then, I tried voting from the command line and I understand the 'error' now. I believe that in the past, when voting via the GUI, you got a popup asking you to type your password to unlock your wallet before voting. Now, it seems' that pop-up no longer appears. So I've been trying to vote with a locked wallet :p When I unlock the wallet from the debug console first, and then vote from the GUI, I don't have problems voting. But I guess that I was so used to doing everything from the GUI that I didn't notice that the popup didn't show, and the 'error' didn't say anything about perhaps having to unlock your wallet before voting, so I didn't think about that.
Was the popup removed for a reason?
I don't know about the popup; realize that we have gone through so many hundreds of K of changes running the hybrid mode and now dip3 mode, its hard to say; note that there is even a different case that your wallet is going to go through when we enable chainlocks in a few days (two more DIPS actually get set in mainnet soon), so what Im saying is we will be running the pure voting DM mode in a few days, and now the error can be streamlined.
In any case, I just modified the error message to ask the user to unlock the wallet if its locked.