I would like to ask something. After I send exec podcupdate I get the message:
exec podcupdate
"Command": "podcupdate",
"PODCUpdate": "Unable to locate enough funds for this transaction that are not equal 1000 biblepay."
From the wallet I use also for MN (MN started today morning)
Getboincinfo is showing:
"Command": "getboincinfo",
"CPID": "71ab1db88109cd3fa2f798b8a8a2c15b",
"Address": "BQQKNgdp6xYevek2K1PumrG2WvhUqnGQAh",
"CPIDS": "71ab1db88109cd3fa2f798b8a8a2c15b;",
"CPID-Age (hours)": 424906,
"NextSuperblockHeight": 54120,
"NextSuperblockBudget": 1144187,
"71ab1db88109cd3fa2f798b8a8a2c15b_ADDRESS": "BQQKNgdp6xYevek2K1PumrG2WvhUqnGQAh",
"71ab1db88109cd3fa2f798b8a8a2c15b_RAC": 29692.83,
"71ab1db88109cd3fa2f798b8a8a2c15b_TEAM": 15044,
"71ab1db88109cd3fa2f798b8a8a2c15b_WCGRAC": 0,
"71ab1db88109cd3fa2f798b8a8a2c15b_TaskWeight": 100,
"71ab1db88109cd3fa2f798b8a8a2c15b_UTXOWeight": 644479,
"Total_RAC": 29692.83,
"Total Payments (One Day)": 3799,
"Total Payments (One Week)": 26596,
"Total Budget (One Day)": 1144187,
"Total Budget (One Week)": 8009309,
"Superblock Count (One Week)": 8,
"Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 8,
"Superblock List": "53915,53710,53505,53300,53095,52890,52685,52480",
"Last Superblock Height": 53915,
"Last Superblock Budget": 1144187,
"Last Superblock Payment": 3799,
"Magnitude (One-Day)": 3.320261460757726,
"Magnitude (One-Week)": 3.320636024905519
From the Morning I dont have any podcupdate.
Could somebody send me advice what is the problem?
Thank You.
Problem solved.
Rob pls regarding the mandatory update what is the date planned for update?