There are a lot of letters from orphans in the pool that deserve a reply form us. There is a big bounty on writing letters (about 1350BBP)!
Guide to writing a letter:
1. Create an account on
2. Write a letter!
-In the menu, go to ‘Orphans > Write Letter’.
-A list will appear with all the orphans that still need a letter written this month.
-When you left-click on one of the orphans, a box will appear with all their information.
-On the top there is a link to ‘Letter Writing Tips’ so you can write a good letter.
-On the left you can write your letter.
-On the right is their bio.
-On the bottom is a list of all the letters we received from them. It is advised to use their laters letters as a guideline for your own letter.
-You can also attach a nice picture with the button underneath the bio!
BiblePay works with a voting system in order to see if your letter is of good enough quality to really be sent.
You can see all the letters that have to be voted on at ‘Orphans > Outgoing Letters’.
If you would be so kind to up- or downvote a couple of letters after you’ve written your own, the system will sustain itself.