So I just called Compassion myself and for what it is worth, it was a bit troublesome to get the info but the guy said there was only 60 children sponsored right now? Is there more than this account? ACCOUNT #: 07816292
Could you check with them what happened with the other children @Rob? Also, it would be nice if you could ask them to add a note to the account to make it a little easier to get that info.
There is no way they can come up with 60, lets have more detailed info on your contact. T-Mike was successful with 305 plus 3 months of prepaid, so that contradicts your call.
Regarding the RPC, let's make it so the statement of 100% provable by the RPC. I don't agree that accountability.biblepay is not 100% provable. Over time, it has been 100% provable.
So today, you do have enough info to see that we are not a scam.
Don't error on the side of Theymos, which is on the side of ignorance and guessing, it's not common sense to error that way.
I'm not doing anything but reporting on what I have. Do I believe you fabricated the receipts and are not sponsoring the amount of children you say you are sponsoring? No.
Having said that, we can just work together on making sure that everyone can be sure of the same thing. That is all I am saying.
"I don't agree that accountability.biblepay is not 100% provable. Over time, it has been 100% provable." If I was running an elaborate scam, I could fabricate receipts. That's why the only 100% proof is to check with the charity itself. I could argue that anything you provide could be fabricated. Again, I do not believe it is the case.
I do not agree on your "common sense" comment. I believe it is more common sense to be careful, especially in the altcoin markets, than just believing everything at face there is a lot of scam. To make sure the message is conveyed to you, I do not believe BBP is that.
T-Mike emailed someone. I just called the Compassion number and explained that I wanted to check how many children were sponsored under that account # and name and the guy gave me 60. I do not know how he came up with that number, but that's the number he gave me. Maybe you can check with them? Also, could add a note to make it easy for people calling to check that too?