I have set up a second wallet to make it heatmine to pool.biblepay.org
But it does not seem to get going.
What I've done:
Added a new worker to pool.biblepay.org
Downloaded and installed the wallet on the second machine.
Copied the wallet.dat and biblepay.conf from the main wallet.
Added to biblepay.conf: utxooverride=-1
Modified worker in biblepay.conf
Started the wallet and synced.
What am I missing? Please advice.
"blocks": 44516,
"currentblocksize": 29946,
"currentblocktx": 9,
"difficulty_podc": 1842.526928915109,
"difficulty_pow": 11360.03719935218,
"difficulty": 1842.526928915109,
"errors": "",
"genproclimit": 1,
"networkhashps": 1358738.787182576,
"hashps": 292.2213392015292,
"minerstarttime": "05-04-2018 14:27:07",
"hashcounter": 362924,
"pooledtx": 10,
"testnet": false,
"chain": "main",
"biblepay-generate": true,
"poolinfo1": "",
"poolinfo2": "",
"poolinfo3": "",
"podc_tried": 0,
"podc_sent": 0,
"podc_sent_amount": 0,
"podc_average_amount_sent": 0,
"miningpulse": 172,
"poolmining": false,
"pool_url": "http://pool.biblepay.org\rutxooverride=-1",
"poolmining_use_ssl": false
"Command": "getboincinfo",
"CPID": "72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42",
"Address": "B99KSo452MCNpDEaRsWtveGpRkDyw98YYq",
"CPIDS": "72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42;",
"CPID-Age (hours)": 423734,
"NextSuperblockHeight": 44690,
"NextSuperblockBudget": 1161612,
"72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42_ADDRESS": "B99KSo452MCNpDEaRsWtveGpRkDyw98YYq",
"72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42_RAC": 1778.65,
"72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42_TEAM": 15044,
"72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42_WCGRAC": 1067,
"72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42_TaskWeight": 100,
"72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42_UTXOWeight": 21768,
"Total_RAC": 2845.65,
"Total Payments (One Day)": 165,
"Total Payments (One Week)": 1228,
"Total Budget (One Day)": 1161612,
"Total Budget (One Week)": 8131284,
"Superblock Count (One Week)": 8,
"Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 8,
"Superblock List": "44485,44280,44075,43870,43665,43460,43255,43050",
"Last Superblock Height": 44485,
"Last Superblock Budget": 1161612,
"Last Superblock Payment": 165,
"Magnitude (One-Day)": 0.1420439871488931,
"Magnitude (One-Week)": 0.1510216590639313
pool_url": "http://pool.biblepay.org\rutxooverride=-1
Did you edit the config on windows and copy it to Linux? Obviously this line should end with *.org and after a line break the new line should start with utxo...
Other than that you should be good to go. If you use the Linux version on the second PC don't forget to unlock the wallet!
I feel studpid! I ignored my previously own advice to not use notepad++ for editing.
Now it works. Studpid me.... Haha
Thanks for the pointer
I get two error messages on the leaderboard, CPID_HAS_NO_MAGNITUDE and CPID_SIGNATURE_INVALID
Also, all the hash is reported as errernous work.
From the main wallet:

"Command": "getboincinfo",
"CPID": "72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42",
"Address": "B4eCUbG9Kz37GVfERT5o57XVmXFvAMeLZE",
"CPIDS": "72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42;",
"CPID-Age (hours)": 423751,
"NextSuperblockHeight": 44690,
"NextSuperblockBudget": 1161612,
"72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42_ADDRESS": "B4eCUbG9Kz37GVfERT5o57XVmXFvAMeLZE",
"72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42_RAC": 1481.45,
"72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42_TEAM": 15044,
"72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42_WCGRAC": 1004,
"72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42_TaskWeight": 100,
"72a5162338116948c70e904a21916e42_UTXOWeight": 21767,
"Total_RAC": 2485.45,
"Total Payments (One Day)": 165,
"Total Payments (One Week)": 1228,
"Total Budget (One Day)": 1161612,
"Total Budget (One Week)": 8131284,
"Superblock Count (One Week)": 8,
"Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 8,
"Superblock List": "44485,44280,44075,43870,43665,43460,43255,43050",
"Last Superblock Height": 44485,
"Last Superblock Budget": 1161612,
"Last Superblock Payment": 0,
"Magnitude (One-Day)": 0.1420439871488931,
"Magnitude (One-Week)": 0.1510216590639313

"blocks": 44651,
"currentblocksize": 19356,
"currentblocktx": 7,
"difficulty_podc": 1842.526928915109,
"difficulty_pow": 13113.71133236828,
"difficulty": 1842.526928915109,
"errors": "",
"genproclimit": 6,
"networkhashps": 985066.2022361461,
"hashps": 2765.078354381124,
"minerstarttime": "05-05-2018 07:22:19",
"hashcounter": 156332,
"pooledtx": 8,
"testnet": false,
"chain": "main",
"biblepay-generate": true,
"poolinfo1": "",
"poolinfo2": "Submitting Solution 05-05-2018 07:22:43; Submitting Solution 05-05-2018 07:22:45; ",
"poolinfo3": "",
"podc_tried": 411,
"podc_sent": 27,
"podc_sent_amount": 2037572.68,
"podc_average_amount_sent": 75437.71492039984,
"miningpulse": 674614,
"poolmining": true,
"pool_url": "http://pool.biblepay.org",
"poolmining_use_ssl": false
From the second wallet:
"blocks": 44651,
"currentblocksize": 15213,
"currentblocktx": 3,
"difficulty_podc": 1842.526928915109,
"difficulty_pow": 13113.71133236828,
"difficulty": 1842.526928915109,
"errors": "",
"genproclimit": 1,
"networkhashps": 985066.2022361461,
"hashps": 637.1440504003248,
"minerstarttime": "05-04-2018 15:27:30",
"hashcounter": 36424785,
"pooledtx": 8,
"testnet": false,
"chain": "main",
"biblepay-generate": true,
"poolinfo1": "",
"poolinfo2": "Submitting Solution 05-05-2018 07:19:47; ",
"poolinfo3": "",
"podc_tried": 31,
"podc_sent": 0,
"podc_sent_amount": 0,
"podc_average_amount_sent": 0,
"miningpulse": 15290,
"poolmining": true,
"pool_url": "http://pool.biblepay.org",
"poolmining_use_ssl": false
exec getboincinfo
"Command": "getboincinfo",
"CPID": "",
"Address": "",
"CPIDS": "",
"CPID-Age (hours)": 423751,
"NextSuperblockHeight": 44690,
"NextSuperblockBudget": 1161612,
"Total Payments (One Day)": 165,
"Total Payments (One Week)": 1228,
"Total Budget (One Day)": 1161612,
"Total Budget (One Week)": 8131284,
"Superblock Count (One Week)": 8,
"Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 8,
"Superblock List": "44485,44280,44075,43870,43665,43460,43255,43050",
"Last Superblock Height": 44485,
"Last Superblock Budget": 1161612,
"Last Superblock Payment": -2,
"Magnitude (One-Day)": 0.1420439871488931,
"Magnitude (One-Week)": 0.1510216590639313