where we can to find BBP what was vote from proposals for ORPHANs? i have suspicious that all BBP went to MN = this is centralised coin ... very dangerously
ROB=´give us TX from proposals
I don't know what either of these sentences mean.
We are decentralized.
so where is all BBP from Proposals offered for orphans? more slovaks ppl told me and asked me,where is BBP ... someone told me that you built MASTENODES and profiting from orhpans ... can you give us proofs that you sold all BBP and sent to orphans?
after proposal was build 10 new MASTERNODES
can you give us TXs that you sold all BBP from proposals = superblock? its easy, post here transactions TXs .. i hope
A) Out of the following Charity proposals added from T-30 to Today, which row exactly are you referring to:
id name amount receiveaddress added
98A8FD0A-754B-4666-918C-F07AB9360F15 BLOOM Orphan Hosting Scholarships 2 2000000.00 BEqGyAZ9D7rDuiBenuFZU9ePS9aieJxSoA 2018-04-12 15:59:57.440
07308E17-BD85-4254-A1F2-A7DBA26B6051 April 2018 Recurring Orphanage Expenses for Compassion.com 4600005.00 BB2BwSbDCqCqNsfc7FgWFJn4sRgnUt4tsM 2018-04-16 18:38:05.197
387B5211-8542-48AE-8A50-1895A7BA3A86 CameroonONE (round 2 to get 4000 dollar in total) 500000.00 BQZFVo6xoAX3jzTu7f3qggHh91fLA48xtB 2018-04-09 09:57:47.150
B) Have you actually clicked on Orphan Fundraisers and Orphan Expenses to see what BBP we sold over the last 30 days and that the corresponding amount matches the last 30 days of Charity proposals?
C) You can see that I sold the 4,600,0000 bbp for $17,347 on 4-21:
4/21/2018 8:58:48 AM 4600000.0000 2.0168 8731.0900 17347.0000 456 43050 (4600000)
And in the expense record that I sent compassion $19,514 this month.
There is no single txid for the 4,600,000 except the one coming to me- I sold the BBP on c-cex over 7 days and there is a txid for 2BTC going from CCEX to coinbase.
If you want to audit this give compassion a call and ask them if they received $19,514 from BiblePay on April 22nd.
D) Do you really think the viable plan would be for me to withhold compassions monthly expenses while I set up new personal sanctuaries with the orphanage funds? Do you know how quickly we would be out of business? In 90 days we would be in arrears and compassion with all the children falling off the roster and my sanctuaries would have a really great long term outlook - they would be in shambles, is that really a long term plan that you seriously think is viable? It goes without saying, but I think we all need to pray that you receive the Holy Spirit.