The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Everyone run to your fallout shelters, if access to a shelter is not readily available, please proceed in an orderly fashion to your nearest location that may contain any of the following:
a.) Desk
b.) Table
c.) Refrigerator
d.) Rock
e.) Plastic garbage bag
f.) Corpse
g.) Accumulated pile of dead babies
Once you have found such a location, proceed to place yourself in a sitting position underneath one of the aforementioned items. Calmly bring your knees close to your chest while placing your head between your knees. Now that you have calmly and orderly placed yourself in this safety position slowly, while maintaining your sense of calm, ensuring not to disturb the three sea shells, begin to bring your lips into a pucker and kiss your ass goodbye.
This futuristic planning of a possible btc crash has been brought to you by the name you trust for all your cyrpto bullshit needs, that's right u can trust Fuddickers to always be there to lead you astray for the real problems of the universe. So, remember folks, when it absolutely must be waded through, then, Fuddickers is the choice.
(speedy rushed voice)
Fuddickers does not represent that anything previously stated will in fact be of any use to anyone anywhere whatsoever, nor do we really care if you die as we are rich and have an off planet orbital station in place in case all you fools ever do actual fight back against our fud. Fudickers Inc 1700 Pensyvania Ave Washington U Know Where copyrighted all rights reserved