I think the marketplace is brilliant. However for real adoption you will need a web based and android ios version.
The ordinary person wanting to buy things or even more sellers are going to want to use it that way rather than download Bitbay market place. Although it is great and super innovative.
It would be nice to see a solid core in the community here. Some communities have a core of very dedicated and organised people that work together to help the project advance and they appear very active and alive.
That encourages new members here to become involved.
Bitbay really lacks this. It appears to be a part time project and that doesn't install confidence compared to decimated fulltime teams.
I say it appears because the work done here exceeds most other projects so the dev teams must be active but the community doesn't hear much from them so will die away.
How many hard core active community members does Bitbay have?
Those things are projects for the future, yes we could use a marketing team, also in the works. This project is over 7 years old, it's not going to fade away, the tech for this project is ahead of it's time, but things will come together, small Dev team, takes longer to get the work done, but if you want to help with the marketing, that would be great
The Dev : (dzimbeck) is like the Nikola Tesla of Crypto's, not getting the recognition he deserves
I agree with your post. I didnt mean my post to come across as negative at all. What I mean is that it would be a terrible shame doe all of this hard work go to waste simply because exchanges are reluctant to integrate the pegging mechanism.
I still believe for strong adoption of the market place a web and phone based site must be completed.
No developer can do everything without help for specialists in certain areas. Well someone like David Zimbeck probably could but it may be a very inefficient waste of his time that could be better spent on other tasks.
Here are a few things that I would suggest that we as a community can do to help
These are merely suggestions.
The dev pot fund is needed more now than it will be in the future, the exchange and web marketplace are priority
1. Take a vote to increase dev fund contribution to 50% of pos stake (mandatory)
2. Consider personal loan of Bitbay to dev contribution fund ( you get it back from future dev contribution pot later) lumps of 100k, whales could lend more.
3. Consider also donating 100% of pos stake.
The aim would be to accrue at least 25M to 50M Bitbay in a development fund as quickly as possible.
This would have a myriad of uses. Converting to BTC via manual OTC sales to members that cant buy or dont want to buy on token. Or could be put into a pool for a bay defi swap token. The lottery element from the defi side could be very enticing as they may get some liquid.
Meanwhile it would be sensible to form a group of real Bitbay enthusiasts that organise to start forming strategies to increase awareness. I really believe this project is something quite special. It is shocking to me this is hidden away out of the top 300 and hardly mentioned on crypto news sites.
If people could see the clear potential of this I'm sure it would be trivial to employ them to donate time and effort in return for Bitbay.
I think lowering the default target for the peg to 10C would generate more volume and get this going for now it can gradually be increased.
Just as important is that all Bitbay members should be active on this thread for discussion as well as other mediums.
I would also be interested to hear what people thought of maybe some return on investment projects assisting bay achieving its goals. I mean would it be possible for btc donors to purchase a share on the exchange so that part of the micro fees went back to them or similar such ideas?