TEAM: This is pretty cool to see the results of my Liquid, Reserve and Supply% of BAY that everyone is voting on - in the "History" section of my Wallet in the BAY Client.
Monetary History is being made right now and FEW even know it. lol
Right now the Peg Supply%, which is my Supply% also, is 50.99% - that's the lowest I've ever seen it. Very cool - it's working beautifully when the majority vote to deflate!
Even after all these years I thought I knew how all this worked; but as I recently found out from David, I was right in some respects and off the mark in others. Lol
I must say that after I think I now finally grasp what BAY really is, and could become; it is even BETTER than I ever imagined!
I wonder if the rest of the world knows that D. Zimbeck is one of the greatest, and maybe the greatest Chess Puzzle makers ever?
Not many people in the world are world class Chess players; yet alone world class Chess Puzzle MAKERS... I know I most certainly am not
; and don't know anyone else who is. David was a Child Prodigy in Chess and could easily be a Grand Master if that's what he so desired.
His self taught genius and deep sense of fairness for everything business are on display in this BAY peg; and is simply amazing to witness.
D. Zimbeck Reply:That's nice of you to say, thanks Doc. Yeah for those who are wondering what he's talking about, as I kid I composed puzzles as a "task composer" to set world records and such. I only learned chess at 11 but started composing at 13 and my work was published shortly after. At the time, I collaborated with some composers like Edgar Holladay and Milan Vukcevich both of whom are legends. Holladay used to send me hand written letters in the mail with the board hand drawn and the pieces stamped on. Hahaha the days before the internet or cell phones. The puzzles I created were designed to stump grandmasters and computers, one took me years to prove it's validity and ensure it was dual-free and sound. Since computers weren't any help in proofing it, the work was very demanding. It's a sort of art form. I wasn't really interested in competitive chess.
My work in chess can be found here: