Hey guys, I wanted to hop in here and thank you for your support. I'm honored that you guys take an interest in smart contracts tech and are able to stand your ground with me.
With that said I had a question. Its a controversial idea but I'm actually liking it.
So here is the question. My original flow chart for markets I was going to get people into a whitelist by channeling their traffic through my server so we could grant access to decentralized markets based on good behavior.
But this model means that it still relies on a centralized server. It means babysitting it and doesnt actually show to be a scalable model for other businesses.
In fact, the only advantage I could see was speed. So, I'm wondering why add that layer first. Best to go straight to the decentralized layer, hit my milestone faster and find another method of moderating drugs/contraband that is more powerful. Trust building and ratings can still be added of course.
You see guys, I learned from this project that I clearly have people who dont want me to succeed(this also means I'm doing something right). The entire project was created by some agenda/etc to sabotage destructive tech IMHO.
All things considered, this means a decentralized market (if done incorrectly) gives them more ammunition to attack if there isnt a great moderation layer. I've got to protect my ass and also deliver a wonderful product. But the server layer seems like I'm heading east when I want to go west.
SO, my controversial idea was, to simply require that users put their IP address inside the order that goes to market. it can be encrypted so only Halo can see it. But what it does is gives me a log of all the IPs to deter people from posting illegal contraband. This isnt any different from how a website would work. When you log into a site, send an email, do anything on the internet your IP is revealed. So my question is, if it really is going to be legal things we are selling... why hide it? The biggest advantage of decentralized markets is there is no central server, its decentralized. So anyone in the world gets "free hosting" in a way. If the world ended the markets would still work. Additionally, I can make it so my server can in real time flag illegal orders in addition to being able to flag them in a decentralized way.
I can still build whitelists on top of that later to increase speed but im not sure its required to demo the markets. Also, having a decentralized kill switch and a system where users can flag orders is still highly attractive to me.
This was my recent thoughts. I really want to open up markets to the real world and give them a reason to think crypto isnt just a bunch of scams and criminals. (ironic considering how things started off on a bad foot but its nothing we cant bounce back from the brand is strong and if we get our two major features we can certainly be a contender)
Please let me know your thoughts on these ideas. I'm starting the coding now for a big Halo release(with pay to email) and these markets and felt some positive feedback and constructive criticism/brainstorming was in order.
Man, I've been thinking about this since you posted it.
A part of me agrees with
Kevinrasf that we should proceed like this since all the crooks will be scared to go flahing their IP around.
But, I also agree with
amytheplanarshift that people could just easily spoof IP addresses.
VampiricElder makes a good point that this idea would be favorable to the media and general public.
Cryptosis also makes a good point that this is not a trustless solution.
Definitely a tough decision.
One that should not be made in haste.
While I'm not exactly sure how I feel about the options, I do want to thank David for asking the community opinion.
Much respect.