2017-07-11 - funds from addresses 161-256 were moved to the same number of addresses of the lower range - thus increasing the amount of funds on them. This takes place in block 475240: https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/5d45587cfd1d5b0fb826805541da7d94c61fe432259e68ee26f4a04544384164
2019-05-31 - the creator of the "puzzles" creates outgoing transactions with the value of 1satoshi for addresses #65, #70, #75, #80, #85, #90, #95, #100, #105, #110, #115 , #120, #125, #130, #135, #140, #145, #150, #155, #160 with the aim of probably comparing the difficulty of finding a private key for the address from which such a transaction was carried out, and one that There is no transaction.
2023-04-16 - The creator of the challenge paid rounded amounts of BTC to the remaining unguessed addresses - thus increasing the value of the prizes by a total of over 900 BTC. From this moment, for example - the reward value for address 66 is not 0.66BTC but 6.6BTC
Second output: take random number from 21 upto 22-1, use it as private key
Third output: take random number from 22 upto 23-1, use it as private key
You can check them: ==> http://bit.do/maintx <==
- BitCrack - https://github.com/brichard19/BitCrack
- Baby-step giant-step - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby-step_giant-step
- Pollard Kangaros - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollard%27s_kangaroo_algorithm
Useful websites for challengers:
- Pool working on Puzzle #66 - join and get some of the prize - http://ttdsales.com/66bit/
- Unit conversion (DEC to HEX and many more) - https://brainwalletx.github.io
- Pollard Kangaroo GPU implementation by JeanLucPONS - https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/pollards-kangaroo-ecdlp-solver-5244940
- Keyhunt (modified Kangaroo) by AlbertoBSD - https://github.com/albertobsd/keyhunt
I have already commented under another thread. This is a telltale sign of a successful lattice attack on the Bitcoin wallet to reveal private keys and then transferring out the funds to deterministically generated wallets having similar public keys/addresses.