Rome nor any city was built in a day...the same is true for this challenge.
It's critical to understand that, and that you just have to come up with your own way of approaching this challenge...1 piece at a time, regardless of how large or small that piece is.
So I ran a smaller card, GTX 1660Ti, for 8 hours in the 66 through 69 bit range, searching for the addresses of #66 through #69 challenges.
In those 8 hours, the card generated 14,690,305 different starting keys/points and checked 2^20 keys from each starting key/point. I saved every random starting point and added FFFFF to each one to show the ranges and keys checked in those 8 hours.
That is only 15+ trillion keys checked in total, but they are all spread out over the 66-69 bit range.
If you want to look at what this single card was able to accomplish in 8 hours, you can download the text file here and look at all the different ranges searched.
The file has been sorted for easier viewing.
Let me know if you have any issues trying to download the text file. The file is only downloadable for 7 days.
One piece at a time...
(I am running round 2 of the same setup; a single card, searching for the four addresses, 66 through 69 bit. I will upload that file when it is done running/I stop the program.)