We are happy to announce the results of the Feedback Campaign! First of all, however, HashFlare team would like to thank all participants for their input - within a month we have received over 500 submissions!
All feedback submissions were reviewed to find out what our users like and dislike as well as what they would change or add to improve the service.
We have encountered the following issue: the 2 major parts of the submissions came in in two languages: English and Russian. We hope you agree that it wouldn't be fair to give out just 1 prize. Because of this we have decided to divide the submissions in two categories: "West" and "East" with a total prize of 2 TH/s (SHA-256). The two winning submissions were randomly chosen from eligible users. And here they are!
Hashflare is different. The platform itself is built to instill trust, and the regular, on-time payouts have allowed Hashflare to grow to become one of the world's leading cloud mining platforms in the world. In an industry plagued by horror stories, I believe that Hashflare is one of the only companies working to restore that reputation through honest feedback and honest payouts.
I have consistently received my daily payout at 01:00 every single day. The payouts are instant, and they hit my wallet within the hour. The withdrawal process is all automated - and this is a key factor here. There is no manual intervention from Hashflare. You pay to purchase hashing power, and they let you instantly withdraw your earnings.
For me, Hashflare has redefined the cloud mining industry, and has grown to become a key player. Personally, I will continue to keep investing my money into Hashflare, as I feel it represents a low-risk investment strategy.
И этo кaк paз o вaшeй кoмпaнии. Этo пpocтo здopoвo, чтo cpeди xaйпoв и пиpaмид кoтopым нeт чилa, пoявилacь вaшa кoмпaния. зaнимaющaяcя PEAЛЬHЫM MAЙHИHГOM. И этo caмoe глaвнoe. Кoнeчнo жe мгнoвeннoe пoдключeниe, нeoгpaничeнный cpoк кoнтpaктa, мoмeнтaльный вывoд, пoдpoбнaя cтaтиcтикa, pacпpeдeлeниe мoщнocти пo пyлaм, фикcиpoвaннaя кoмиccия и выгoднaя пapтнepcкaя пpoгpaммa - вce этo oчeнь вaжнo, нo втopичнo. A пepвичнo тo, чтo мoжнo дeлaть дoлгocpoчныe инвecтиции, нa ocнoвe PEAЛЬHOГO MAЙHИHГA.
Уcпexoв и yдaчи!
The orphography and grammar have been retained and may be changed later at the authors' premission. We have already contacted the winners via email. Our congratulations to the winners! And once again, all feedback was appreciated!