One thing that sucks is that it is an image scrape. Anyone really good with OCR? I would be willing to put some coins towards a bounty to convert the doc into machine readable format (txt or otherwise). It would be a tricky conversion (the low res blurred image doesn't help) so it may not be possible but maybe we got some OCR wizards.
I was already working on this when I saw you post this, because I started to try to read it and my eyeballs started bleeding.
Unfortunately, I think any OCR program is going to struggle hard with this blurry low-res text. Here's the best my meager offering could come up with. Is this any better?
![Roll Eyes](
Here's a sample of the first page:
(U) ExecutlveSununary
{U/IFOUO) Bitooin-a det:enJra/ized, 1 peer-to-peer {P2P) network-d t•irfllill currencypro\'
ides a venue for indi \'idual to generate, transfer, launder, and steal illicit funds with some
anony1nity. Bitooin offers rnany of the sarne challenges associated with other \'irtual currencies,
such as Wehr\•loney, and adds unique complexit ies for investigators because of iL� decemrali7..ed
{U/IFOUO) The FBI asesses with nlt!diUin confidence1 that, in the near tenn, cyber cri•ninals
will treat Bitooin a another p.ay1nem option alongside 1nore traditional and established \'irtual
currencies which they have little reason to abandon. This asessmem i.�; ba..ed on Ouctuations in
the bitcoin exchange rate in 2011 and li.n.ited reponing indicating bitcoi1lS are being accepted a
p.ay1nem by so1nt cyber criminal.
{U/IFOUO) The FBI assesses with low confidence, based on current user and vendor acceptance,
thatrnalicious actors will exploi1 Bitcoi n to launder money. This assessment is based on
observed cri1ninal acti vi1ies, investitions, and prosecutions of individual exploiting other
vir!Ual currencies, such a e....Qold and Webf\·loney. A lack of current .eponingspecific to Bi1coin
restricts the confidence level.
(U/IFOUO) Even though there is no oentral Bitooi n server to compro1ni.e, the FBI asesses wi1h
high confi dence, ba..ed on reliable industry and FBI reponing, that cri.n.inals intending to steal
bi1coins can target and e:
f\•lalicious actors can comprom.ise personal co1nputers and accounts using ma/waw and hacking
techniques to steal useJS' bitooins and use b
{U/IFOUO) Bi1ooin will li kely continue to attract cybercri1ninal who view i1 as a means to
.nove or steal funds a well a� a 1neans of making donations to illici1 groups. If Bi1coin stabili?"
and grows in popularily, it will beco m e an increasingly useful tool for various i !legal acti vi lies
beyond the cyber .eal1n. Since Bitooin does not have a authority, law enforoe.nent
facesdifficuhies detectingsuspicious activily, identifying users, and obtaining transaction
recon:ls-proble.n.� that m.ight attract •n.alicious actors to Bitooi n. Bi1coin m.ight also log ically
attractrnoney launderers and other criminals who avoid traditional financial systems b y using the
Internet to conduct global 1nonetary transfers.
{U/IFOUO) Although Bitooin does not have authority, the FBI as..�esses with
medium confidence that law enforce1nem can identify, or di.cover more information about
1n.alicious actors i f the actors conven their bilcoins into a fiat currency. Third-p.any bi1coin
services 1nay require customers to valid identification or bank infonn.ation to co.nplete
transactions. Furlhennore, any third-p.any service that qualifies as a mbney transm.iuer 1n.ust
register a� a mbney services busine.u with the Financial C1i1tleS Enforoe1nem Netwo•·k {FinCEf\1')
and i•nple�tll!'nt an anti-nlOney laundering program.