For me, a store of wealth and a currency are two different things.
As a currency it may seem less liquid than a dollar at the moment. But remember the confirmation time for a credit card is like 80 days, and chargebacks seem to be getting more common. from a vendors perspective credit cards are getting worse by the day. Bitcoin is already sweet if you're selling goods.
As a wealth store I see BTC as being far more liquid than precious metals.
And of course nobody would store wealth in fiat fractional reseve bank as the math shows that system as untenable. Nobody wants to be the dumb empty bag holder when the game finishes.
BTC is a game also, but the rules are clearly stated, provided the rules remain unchanged then (to me) the game looks far less risky than fiat and fractional reserve. Of course one should factor in the risks and diversify accordingly, for example; future national firewalls and EMP attacks, you'd be better of with a few silver rounds in that case.
Having said all this; In the future I can imagine a fractional reserve layer built on top of Bitcoin, and then the citizens can have instant gratification and full liquidity (at a cost). In fact I'm sure this will happen as many people will like it this way.
Well stated.
I might add that what I would call 'second tier' (rather than 'fractional reserve layers' which they may or may not be) would themselves have the tools to inspire confidence if built on top of (or 'backed') by something which is simple, solid, and transparent such as current Bitcoin.
This in contrast to the variety of dubious derivative ridden re-hypothicated asset types upon which most of our 'modern mainstream' systems rest. Let's not forget 2008 and how fragile these things have already proven to be. It's more than some sort of whacked theory that there are some stability problems and poorly understood mechanics which underpin our 'official' economic systems.
Thanks, and good statement from yourself.
Yes I would prefer a future where the "purity" of Bitcoin remains intact.
I just haven't heard of any plans to ensure future purity for all users.
Speaking of users, I fear the "bulk" users might be happy to allow the corruption, confused as they are, it's easy for large players to instill fear with one hand and remove fear (and wealth) with the other.
I'm thinking: Isn't it possible for anyone to create a new layer on top of Bitcoin tomorrow? It may not even need to be directly coupled to it codewise, think a Bretton Woods system using BTC instead of gold.
A darker fear of mine is that prior to new layers the existing blockchain might be abandoned if some entity has pockets deep enough to bribe miners to a new chain.
Highly speculative stuff I know
, but I'll be happy to have my fears dispelled.