If what you're saying's true it's eating at users privacy. You're saying you wouldn't be surprised if it happened that's better than saying it's definitely done. I don't know if theymos would give users info to govts before starting a thread explaining what he's doing but it's scary times.
i would not be surprised if theymos had been contacted by monitoring services to pass them metadata* about forum users whom overtly advertise mixing
*ip addresses, geo locations, sign up email addresses, session data, etc
https://bitcointalk.org/privacy.phpthis is a PUBLIC forum. you have no sense of privacy in public unless you create it for yourself
This is a best-effort attempt at describing our current practices regarding privacy-relevant concerns, and is not an agreement.
It's possible to use bitcointalk.org without submitting any personal info. Use Tor + a throwaway email + a new pseudonym, etc. If you care about preventing personal information from being collected on bitcointalk.org, then preventing this collection is your responsibility.
Variation from the above normal procedure may occur, for example, due to these causes:
Bitcointalk.org is in US jurisdiction, and is subject to US subpoenas, wiretap orders, preservation orders (which would negate the above retention rules), and similar. Furthermore, our service providers could also be subject to similar orders without our knowledge. Note that we consider PMs to require a warrant in order to be released.
At our sole discretion, we may voluntarily assist law enforcement worldwide. Generally we do this only when we perceive that the target user has probably committed a serious and non-victimless crime.
At our sole discretion, we may (noncommercially) share or extend retention on any of a specific user's userdata even without law-enforcement involvement. This is very rare.
While we don't intentionally set up systems to do so, data may end up laying around for longer than the above-specified retention limits accidentally. For example, a sysadmin might copy the access logs in order to analyze an ongoing DDoS attack and then forget to delete them for a while.
Computer security can never be guaranteed.
too many people ignorantly think that just because bitcoin does not ask for ID. that businesses and services can bypass laws, sorry the real world doesnt work like that
people have to put their own effort into what information they give away and find ways to prevent the hidden metadata their own computers give away. its not upto a business to work for you, you have to work for yourself