- Bytea HASH160 Search by NoMachine
- Sat Oct 21 10:39:23 2023
- Puzzle: 15
- Public Key Hash (Hash 160): fe7c45126731f7384640b0b0045fd40bac72e2a2
- PUZZLE SOLVED: 2023-10-21 10:39:24
- Target Public Key Hash (Hash160) found! Private Key: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000
how to make it work sequential instead of random ?
here you go, buddy
// Function to convert a byte vector to a hexadecimal string
std::string bytesToHex(const std::vector
std::stringstream ss;
for (unsigned char byte : bytes) {
ss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << static_cast
return ss.str();
// Function to calculate the RIPEMD160 hash of a byte vector
RIPEMD160(data.data(), data.size(), hash.data());
return hash;
int main() {
// Initialize the OpenSSL library
if (OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms() != 1) {
std::cerr << "OpenSSL initialization failed." << std::endl;
return 1;
// Define the range
std::string start_range_hex = "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001ffffffffffffffff";
std::string end_range_hex = "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003ffffffffffffffff";
// Set the target Hash160 value (replace with your target hash)
std::string target_hash160_hex = "20d45a6a762535700ce9e0b216e31994335db8a5";
// Create an EC_KEY object
EC_KEY* ec_key = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_secp256k1);
// Calculate the SHA-256 hash of the public key
unsigned char sha256_result[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
// Calculate the RIPEMD160 hash of the SHA-256 hash
BIGNUM* start_range = BN_new();
BIGNUM* end_range = BN_new();
BN_hex2bn(&start_range, start_range_hex.c_str());
BN_hex2bn(&end_range, end_range_hex.c_str());
while (BN_cmp(start_range, end_range) <= 0) {
// Create a BIGNUM from the current value in the range
BIGNUM* bn_private_key = BN_dup(start_range);
// Set the private key in the EC_KEY object
EC_KEY_set_private_key(ec_key, bn_private_key);
// Compute the public key from the private key
EC_POINT* public_key_point = EC_POINT_new(EC_KEY_get0_group(ec_key));
EC_POINT_mul(EC_KEY_get0_group(ec_key), public_key_point, bn_private_key, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// Convert the public key point to binary representation (compressed)
size_t public_key_length = EC_POINT_point2oct(EC_KEY_get0_group(ec_key), public_key_point, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, NULL, 0, NULL);
EC_POINT_point2oct(EC_KEY_get0_group(ec_key), public_key_point, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, public_key_bytes.data(), public_key_length, NULL);
SHA256(public_key_bytes.data(), public_key_bytes.size(), sha256_result);
ripemd160_result = calculateRIPEMD160(std::vector
// Convert the calculated RIPEMD160 hash to a hexadecimal string
std::string calculated_hash160_hex = bytesToHex(ripemd160_result);
// Display the generated public key hash (Hash160) and private key
std::string message = "\r\033[01;33m[+] Public Key Hash (Hash 160): " + calculated_hash160_hex;
std::cout << message << "\e[?25l";
// Check if the generated public key hash matches the target
if (calculated_hash160_hex == target_hash160_hex) {
// Get the current time
std::time_t currentTime;
std::tm tmStruct = *std::localtime(¤tTime);
// Format the current time into a human-readable string
std::stringstream timeStringStream;
timeStringStream << std::put_time(&tmStruct, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
std::string formattedTime = timeStringStream.str();
std::cout << "\n\033[32m[+] PUZZLE SOLVED: " << formattedTime << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\r\033[32m[+] Target Public Key Hash (Hash160) found! Private Key: " << BN_bn2hex(bn_private_key) << std::endl;
// Append the private key information to a file if it matches
std::ofstream file("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt", std::ios::app);
if (file.is_open()) {
file << "\nPUZZLE SOLVED " << formattedTime;
file << "\nPrivate Key (hex): " << BN_bn2hex(bn_private_key);
file << "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
// Increment the current value in the range
BN_add_word(start_range, 1);
// Free the EC_KEY and BIGNUM objects
return 0;