One thing you should think about, is there a way to reduce a number to a perfect composite number and then easily dividing that composite number to reach a range close to 2^65? I believe with a certain subtraction tricks, we can do that, I have done it, but I know the key so it doesn't count, I want to know how to operate with 2 unknown points without knowing the distance between them, whether or not we can reach a composite point as a result of either subtraction and or division. Like : 59, if we know the range, we could subtract it from 100 to have 41, now all we need is to subtract 9 from 41 to get to 32, and now we can safely divide 32 by 2 a few times to reach 8, where 8 is our desired small range where we can brute force under an hour. The question is, how can we determine that 9 is the right key to reach 32? By operating with scalar mod n of course, first we study and learn then we go for our targets in points.
I'm afraid this is the whole point where all that cryptography works. If you would be able to crack it in an easy way - it would be useless.
Maybe you are some kind of mathematical genius and you will discover something new ... But i guess there is a bunch of much smarter people than you trying to resolve such problems and since larger puzzles are still on their places they didn't invented anything new.