I've tried keyhunt random on CPU very slow.
And cubitcrack counting random ranges I give it time to time gave me about 10x speed of keyhunt, but without the random option, I don't like it.
I've tried to find any relation or pattern between the previous puzzles and got absolutely nothing!
I'd like to have that random option on GPU! is there any tool for that please?Good thing I've learned some Python and found it's actually slow
I started to learn C++ and CUDA hopefully to create a better tool, is there any libraries you can recommend to work with?
Looking at the puzzles that are still unsolved and how big those ranges are! there's no way in our life time! But it's fun to play!
vanbitcracken2 or KeyHuntCuda
but mind you, random option resets your chance to 100 times the initial time to find the key you are looking for withing the specified 66 bit range
for example
If it'd take you 300 years to scan the range
expect 30,000 years on a random search and you will still not stand the chance either, except you're able to program the random to note the range it had already scanned which is impossible because why would it be called random then?
rrandom option is the least thought anyone should be thinking about right now
only except you'd want to scan a specific 50 bit range randomly which you'd have to not down just like the puzzle 66 pool.
so if you want to consent to Random search for the puzzle 66
It's best to resort to the specific bit range search where you'd have to note every defeated range in order for you not to multiscan the range you've already scanned
For keys with no available public key, the only possible solution is an especial hardware like an ASIC miner to grind sha256 and rmd160 hashes at a rate of trillions/s for the cheapest ASIC and thousands of T/s for advanced ASICs. Then you could wait 10 years and see if development can increase the hash per second for your ASIC or not.
So, other than engineers, a factory with billions in equipment and a few million to spend on prototypes, what else we don't have?
Oh and that's just for keys from 66 up to 80.
However if you know the public key, there is at least a chance that you could work out things mathematically.
Regarding unexposed keys, of course there is a mathematical solution which is finding hash 160 and then hash 256 collisions, but I haven't seen any tool doing that, and it's not discussed here at all.
Ps, I have some ideas about finding collisions, it is related to sha256 checksum operation, if I could change the checksum requirement from 8 first characters of the second hash, by making it 32 character, I could work on finding collisions, in fact if we could replace sha256 with rmd160 and code something to extract rmd160 double hash checksum by using the first 20 characters of either first or second hash, again we could start working on collisions.
But that's all just an idea, I don't know if it works or not.
quote "that's the idea that has been running through my mind all along"
I have been trying to code some kind of collision where it'd only workout sha256 and rmd 160 while retaining the pubkey
But even if it worked out as I've been trying we'd only be stuck with probably 118 if we can successfully extract the pubkey from sha256 rmd collisions
but that'd definitely still give us an edge over the current situation where puzzle 66 is grinding the hell out of me