OK, so basically the same old shit: "I don't have anything palpable, just some idea that everyone says it doesn't apply, but what do they know? I'll just throw some lateral blah blah instead of some actual statements with proofs, because hyped up emotions are better than logical thinking". Too tired of that non-sense.
Does math cost money? Does logic, theorems, proofs, cost money? All of those were always made free to everyone, for nothing in exchange except dying poor and oh, remaining in history books for all eternity. just look at the last 5000 years of human progress.
You know what costs money? Absolutely everything that you can't do by your own hands. That's almost literally why money exists in this world. Also, I changed my mind. Since you can't code, but I can, I would charge you around 500 million $ if you want your idea put in practice. Also, I can not guarantee your idea would actually work, since it's your idea, not mine. I am just charging for the wasted time on my side, you will also pay for all the equipment and resources and electricity needed to implement whatever you have in mind.
Not the other way around, because I don't care about your idea, but you seem to care about your idea being coded and "automated", if I am not mistaken.
I wonder about something? Why are you so prejudiced?
Have you been alone all your life? Was there no one around you?
You have to respect everyone's ideas and thoughts. You said the cost of your time is 500 million dollars.
But sometimes an idea or thought is worth more than 5 billion dollars.
An idea like the combination of VanitySearch and Kangaroo software!
Scan a certain range, then when you catch a clue (hidden by me), perform a jump and continue scanning, when you catch another clue (hidden by me), continue scanning again.
One day you may learn to respect the opinion of a 5-year-old child. It is possible.
Good work everyone..