
Topic: Bitcoin puzzle transaction ~32 BTC prize to who solves it - page 275. (Read 207440 times)

jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 3
Need gpu with a random, step by step is good but long.

puzzle bin                                                 ratio of zeros and ones    0-1
100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (~29-40zeros)-         57
10011101000110001011011000111010110001001111111111011111 22-34     56 44218742292676575      < 1
1101010101111100001111110011011011001111110000100010100 24-31                                            < 1
100011011011111011011011010101101011010001111101000100 23-31                                              < 1
11000000001111000100011100100011111100011001001101100 29-24                                                > 0
1110111110101110000101100100110010111001111000111100 22-30                                                 < 1
111010100000111000010100001101000000000100111010000 33-18                                                   > 0
10001010111101010000111100001011101001001101010100 26-24                                                     > 0
1011101000001011101101011000000010101111101001101 24-25                                                      < 1
101011011110011011010111110011100011101110011011 17-31                                                        < 1
11011001101011000010000101101010011110010111010 23-24                                                         < 1
1011101100000110000011100010001101010101000100 27-19                                                           > 0
100100010111111001010000101000011110000000101 26-19                                                             > 0
11100000001010110011010110100011010110001111 22-22                                                               =
1101011110100111011001001111100010110010001 19-24                                                                < 1
101010001000100001110001011000110110001111 23-19                                                                  > 0
10101001110000110100110101100110001011011 20-21                                                                   < 1
1110100110101110010010010011001111010110 18-22     40 1003651412950                                       < 1
100101101011111100000110000001111101001 19-20                                                                      < 1
10001000111000001011111010110011010000 21-17                                                                        > 0
1011101010111011101010110101010010011 14-22                                                                         < 1
100111011110100000100000101001111100 19-17                                                                           > 0
10010101110110100100001000101110000 20-15                                                                            > 0
1101001010011001011001000100011101 18-16                                                                              > 0
110101001011011001010100011011000 17-16                                                                               > 0
10111000011000101010011000101110 17-15                                                                                 > 0
1111101010011111110011101000111 10-21                                                                                  < 1
111101100101001100110101100100 14-16                                                                                    < 1
10111111000100101010100011110 13-16                                                                                     < 1
1101100100010110110011101000 14-14                                                                                        =
110101011000011100001110101 13-14                                                                                        < 1
11010000000011001001101110 15-11                                                                                          > 0
1111110100101111011100101 8-17                                                                                             < 1
110111000010101000000100 15-9                                                                                               > 0
10101010110111001010010 11-12                                                                                               < 1
1011011110010000001111 10-12                                                                                                < 1
110111010010100110100 10-11                                                                                                  < 1
11010010110001010101 10-10                                                                                                     =
1010111010010011111 7-12                                                                                                       < 1
110000100000001101 12-6                                                                                                        > 0
10111011001001111 6-11                                                                                                          < 1
1100100100110110 8-8                                                                                                              =
110100011110011 6-9                                                                                                              < 1
10100100110000 9-5                                                                                                                > 0
1010001100000 9-4                                                                                                                  > 0
101001111011 4-8                                                                                                                   < 1
10010000011 7-4                                                                                                                     > 0
1000000010 8-2                                                                                                                      > 0
111010011 3-6                                                                                                                        < 1
11100000 5-3                                                                                                                          > 0
1001100 4-3                                                                                                                           > 0
110001 3-3                                                                                                                             =
10101 2-3                                                                                                                              < 1
1000 3-1                                                                                                                                > 0
111 3
11 2
1 1

(somewhere I have already seen this corner of the felts in this either in a similar topic))

take the list

b1  = "01111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b2  = "00111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b3  = "00011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b4  = "00001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b5  = "00000111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b6  = "00000011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b7  = "00000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b8  = "00000000111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b9  = "00000000011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b10 = "00000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b11 = "00000000000011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b12 = "00000000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b13 = "00000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b14 = "00000000000000011111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b15 = "00000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b16 = "00000000000000000011111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b17 = "00000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b18 = "00000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111"
b19 = "00000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111111111111"
b20 = "00000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111111"
b21 = "00000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111111111"
b22 = "00000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111"
b23 = "00000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111"
b24 = "00000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111111"
b25 = "00000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111"
b26 = "00000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111"
b27 = "00000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111"
b28 = "00000000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111"
b29 = "00000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111"
b30 = "00000000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111"
b31 = "00000000000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111"
b32 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111"
b33 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111"
b34 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111"
b35 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111"
b36 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111"
b37 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000001111111111111111"
b38 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111"
b39 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111111111111"
b40 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111111111111"
b41 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111"
b42 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111111111"
b43 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111111111"
b44 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111"
b45 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111111"
b46 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111111"
b47 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111"
b48 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111"
b49 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111"
b50 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111"
b51 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011"
b52 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"

Somewhere from 15 to 40 random sausages, ie, take the string and mix its contents. although if there are more zeros (to the right of the angle, from above more, less is shown and like after three ones zero goes.), then need to start with 29 zeros.(57/2=28,5 ~29) 29-35 zeros, 28-22 ones.

something like this
1 00000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111 111011000011011011100100001000011011010010111100010000110 132976895899302022 1M2b4CMPqxDnT3BqWxiiYcfPFEzNebbrte
1 00000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111 100101010001100001010100110010111111100010011000011111000 83933048016548088 18JK929fWV7umc77HmBtBEbfA3DHZuoJ3R
1 00000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111 110001100011111100001010100101001000101001110101110010100 111602720126069652 13qLtdQmwLvg6aBZWbxytDPApeBfTj2EZt
1 00000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111 101011101011110000100111100000011100000100111101010000101 98367047628651141 1Et8w47ZwgrbJjhFTS3U1Y7okpUBfmKqzS
1 00000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111 101100110011011101100010001001000110101100000111110001001 100889830977048457 1CghVoRsChhF4dWJjmkoRMdTgvsca3EonZ
1 00000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111 100011011100010110011111000001000100110001111001001110100 79810516957590132 1PciYSwK7bKpNkgpjibJHCrRqwHsTU3YyT
1 00000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111 101110001100001100100001011010111001010110101001010000111 104011888042136199 12CQLCwPTWAiPcA4YGUzXofi5eg4Dy3Epw
1 00000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111 101000100001001000111111011100000000000110011011110111110 91238019797039038 14XAcHWeuzaysAJuih6sTsRmThLYjGETef
1 00000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111 100111010010000111001001001000110100011101100101001110011 88457438215195251 1HjGDWTwKdCoV8nzkWFV61GgMBQAYyzeSH
1 00000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111 101011011000110111010010001011011001000110100110000110001 97702209636224049 1KBRhvsCNq5A9FYo7vRh2VBuLVtCEm21ag

1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111 100000000100000001010001100110001000000101010010001001100 72199032428209228 1Nvcgh1T5o4L3zywWohDyuhiJeKp3JppU3
1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111 100100000001100001001000011000000000101010110000001010010 81118191548719186 1JhxahpQa6TvwzTcHbdbwpicmqMe9AuBDM
1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111 100001000000010100000010000010001101000100111010000100001 74320406443619361 162MkPgCsbwN4cx2WZZUfpkNRFTrCSQncJ
1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111 110100001011011110000100000000000000000000101000001110000 117497145438785648 13iRHtC5szvJDZ3r2ah85SrHJ1QyDuMA8b
1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111 100000011000011000101001000000100000101110010010000001000 72915565363536904 1FKCuhF1FZDPXX4mG3dzW2PH11pwpi4YiC
1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111 101001001000000100001100001000000011011000000100011010000 92607570521098448 1EkjFYVoMds4uFNUXzxwaXQCw3aozH3GZx
1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111 100010000010010000000000001001000011000101011100101000010 76640359716927810 121WP9mEt3aQtdZq7KF2KTiUkrjnFMHXts
1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111 100000101001000000111010000010001000000101010001000001001 73500651795161609 1KSmCaWBTvnRbAw3F1X3dFZ9cLWcDAR1kh
1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111 100000000010001001100000110011010101000000011000000100001 72133192351494177 1Ni3kDa6zSEynstuPXFaWB1rghQKrHKDrW
1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111 100000100000011010000000010101000001000000000010110110110 73197790416602550 19UcpqPBvvbeZ69TZgB7UBmUxQFZ81YtTL

1 00011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111110111111111011111111111111111111111111111011111111 143833438221238015 1DqvPdbn4EY4SDeyHeMDSYRCSTs7jNPBfn
1 00011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111101101111111111111111111111111111111111111101111 144036023238655983 1FS2e2GrB9YmJLNG95wwHdbQpFQr5L7vRy
1 00011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111110111111111111101101111111111111111111111111111111 143833693771792383 1BogLy6pvLwNi2sAX5UnfoZau7X2sMzzty
1 00011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111110110111111111111111111011111111111111111111 144110240272482303 1CstbZ9yySa6FMRcGPNBVEWG5rEqTSFuch
1 00011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111110111111111111111110111111110111111111111111 144110790012534783 1Q9PNm8rFHHseVFZVg9mH1RauMgNQpx7h9
1 00011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111101111101111111111111111111111111011111111111111 144043719820034047 1KStqf7iQcDB6uVcFHrCW9wqEsJkadGQVL
1 00011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111110111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111101111 141863353902432239 1HrEEtyMWvMQx4YfdrJtq9jiwZiQBMuseB
1 00011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111011111111111101111111111111111111111110111111111 143974433407630847 1H6jqW813SQS9eh5CFwpy8eLv7EtyNgkXG
1 00011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111110111111111111111011111111101111111111111111111111 143833708799983615 1FUEM5HiYZRhSaAnSj7znpxnMnreK8efGD
1 00011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111101111110111 144115188074806263 1JyyCe8rWtb7r3NdgdegjmheDHA3Sscwfr
jr. member
Activity: 115
Merit: 1
Hey, can anyone confirm this thingie working?

They claim it is about 10 times faster then vanitygen from NDV. Smiley
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1137
All paid signature campaigns should be banned.
Why the fuck did you take bitcoin and send back to 17aPYR1m6pVAacXg1PTDDU7XafvK1dxvhi for key 56? You did some wack shit with those other addresses at like 5 cents worth of bitcoin.
I think this is a user error, because it is in such ways that you can enter noses into the Oman. In any case, you need to be careful not to repeat the same mistakes.
ajdaj, you would be wrong.  This was obviously done on purpose.

Hilarious addresses dude, I tip my hat to you.

1YSoDarkAUSureUNotFromDCuniwnGKij  0.00000777 BTC
1WexWexExortArcKnownon1y2MednE6cs  0.00000777 BTC
1HowMakeFreeHomeNuc1earReactyJmF4N 0.00000777 BTC
1Se11ingPocketQuantuPCcheappyQzsW  0.00000777 BTC
1Course1nCa1cECDSAinTheMindXJ2qJu  0.00000777 BTC
1MyKunfuStrongerUneedTrainxnHU9qy  0.00000777 BTC
1What1tCookieAmmNomNomNomNofdweYw  0.00000777 BTC
1WubaLubaDubDub1He11owMortibDF9tv  0.00000777 BTC

Back in the old days when it did not cost anything to do a transaction and Bitcoins were only worth a couple of dollars each I actually placed one of my favorite poems into the blockchain, there to reside forever.  Here it is:

11When1DieBuryMeDeepLayTwoXVEY5jv - (Unspent) 0.00000001 BTC
11SpeakersAtMyFeetAPairofXXTyrHor - (Unspent) 0.00000001 BTC
11HeadphonesonMyHeadAndXXXXYUSvnd - (Unspent) 0.00000001 BTC
11ALwaysPLayTheGratefuLDeadWdq4Xo - (Unspent) 0.00000001 BTC

Of course you "forever flushed" away a lot more BTC than I did to clog up the blockchain forever with unspendable trash.
sr. member
Activity: 480
Merit: 250
gold mining Grin
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Its interesting I fully agree, but from economical point of view, you gonna bleed money on every other address. What kept me interested in reading those posts is that this address with over 57K Btc I have found it aswell but on a completely different basis. I was searching for some bitcoins from the very beginning of bitcoin for my own purposes, but I have found this.
full member
Activity: 532
Merit: 100
hi, could you post the private key to the emptied address

Private key : 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009d18b63ac4ffdf
Public key  : 3f2db2074e3217b3e5ee305301eeebb1160c4fa1e993ee280112f6348637999a e00baccca7595a1af869923463f7f5928452d888fbeb495f827bc28f829ab38f
PrKey WIF c.: KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZi3qYjjb65nDHeqyjiBaJXv
Address c.  : 48214c5969ae9f43f75070cea1e2cb41d5bdcccd
Address c.  : 17aPYR1m6pVAacXg1PTDDU7XafvK1dxvhi

Why the fuck did you take bitcoin and send back to 17aPYR1m6pVAacXg1PTDDU7XafvK1dxvhi for key 56? You did some wack shit with those other addresses at like 5 cents worth of bitcoin.
I think this is a user error, because it is in such ways that you can enter noses into the Oman. In any case, you need to be careful not to repeat the same mistakes.
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
hi, could you post the private key to the emptied address

Private key : 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009d18b63ac4ffdf
Public key  : 3f2db2074e3217b3e5ee305301eeebb1160c4fa1e993ee280112f6348637999a e00baccca7595a1af869923463f7f5928452d888fbeb495f827bc28f829ab38f
PrKey WIF c.: KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZi3qYjjb65nDHeqyjiBaJXv
Address c.  : 48214c5969ae9f43f75070cea1e2cb41d5bdcccd
Address c.  : 17aPYR1m6pVAacXg1PTDDU7XafvK1dxvhi

Why the fuck did you take bitcoin and send back to 17aPYR1m6pVAacXg1PTDDU7XafvK1dxvhi for key 56? You did some wack shit with those other addresses at like 5 cents worth of bitcoin.
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
The fastest tool now is not vanitygen from NDV, but profanity from NDV  Grin

Someone ELSE ordered him another version and this time he took ethereum vanity generator profanity and modified it for BTC.
Says now it does 170megakeys on single amd 580 card Smiley
This software is NOT for cracking 32btc puzzle, but the speed is relevant, so the guy who took p55 and p56 probably invested not much money to become fastest and collect all loot Grin
I guess he already returned investments in hardware.

Or maybe he is using vanitygen with around 10 1080ti cards. But that's not funds efficient as 3-4 cards + better software.

yeah I have no clue what you are talking about in relation to profanity from NDV. I put that into a google search and only bullshit pop ups
jr. member
Activity: 115
Merit: 1
The fastest tool now is not vanitygen from NDV, but profanity from NDV  Grin

Someone ELSE ordered him another version and this time he took ethereum vanity generator profanity and modified it for BTC.
Says now it does 170megakeys on single amd 580 card Smiley
This software is NOT for cracking 32btc puzzle, but the speed is relevant, so the guy who took p55 and p56 probably invested not much money to become fastest and collect all loot Grin
I guess he already returned investments in hardware.

Or maybe he is using vanitygen with around 10 1080ti cards. But that's not funds efficient as 3-4 cards + better software.
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
Dude what the fuck. Someone found 56, fuck I'm just trying to use my gpu rig to find these keys so I can get some fucking cash to buy a cheap pickup truck.
Activity: 82
Merit: 0
I think the best existing instrument as of now is yours or generally private. I would figure the most ideal way is alter (ocl)vanitygen as per BurtW's proposal. You would need to restrain the irregular number generator to a specific measure of bits and keep the rest.
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 3
Yeah... Apparently someone first brought out 0,45 then 0.1 may no longer be the same owner and the remains sucked Amalcin (the names of addresses on it hint). Therefore if you start output, output first in a whole piece so that someone's bot on a public key that is discovered does not lead you faster.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
Thx Arulbero. What scoundrel the number turned out to be 44218742292676575 collapsed all formulas)).

And mine worked, only 4% wrong. According to my calculations, this should have been 25-30%, but 22% turned out to be. I would have reached it, since I practically scanned this 5%.
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 3
Thx Arulbero. What scoundrel the number turned out to be 44218742292676575 collapsed all formulas)).

And if something is fished out of fractional...

              55                                                                          48                                                  42                                        
127,38634167733380354869954231845 127     127,27325883491753266696377977496   127,34166804622168456262443214655    
63,583036446150909604124734642028 63,5    63,660348182749885381781496107578   63,668431836413219571113586425781  
31,861576626618332619411688710898 31,75   31,787429311634468831471167504787   31,771796089393319562077522277832  
15,90613502904471082688431238239  15,875  15,908679856821891007712110877037   15,926393464003922417759895324707  
7,941484368221046585833988729064  7,9375  7,9644791460323176579549908638        7,966582541557727381587028503418  
3,97142883352349745                              3,9726356460934955094899123650976   3,9699310258729383349418640136719   
1,9915187218734213270288080366299            1,9868375314665325248597582685761   1,990362136945805104915052652359
127,41463838936761021614074707031 127    127,1519957482814788818359375      127  127,1361083984375
63,588673464953899383544921875               63,58295440673828125                    63,58837890625
31,7922732196748256683349609375             31,7968273162841796875                 31,82952880859375
15,90996809303760528564453125                15,876374721527099609375              15,9052734375
7,938812442123889923095703125                7,9462490081787109375                   7,954345703125
3,979142837226390838623046875                 3,97543811798095703125                  3,97543811798095703125
1,9883378362865187227725982666016         1,9887961782515048980712890625      1,987188816070556640625

tails 1.98, 1.99 bin (20 characters are taken after 98,99)

10101100 0000000001000110110 0110110011011101011101100001010111011 110 99
10101011 0011000001100011110 1010001101010000100110101001101110000 101 98
10101011 1100110011101001111 1010001110001101001001011100111100011 011 99
10101011 0111001100000100010 1001000100000001100111001100000000010 101 98                    
10101011 1000011101011111000 1000011001111010011110100101010011001 111 98
10101011 0011111111111101011 1100100101011100011001010110001110111 110 98

And flew

import random
from decimal import *
from bit import *

while True:

    aa = 1
    while aa <= 1:
        a = str("1.")
        c1 = str (random.choice("1"))
        c2 = str (random.choice("0"))
        c3 = str (random.choice("1"))
        c4 = str (random.choice("0"))
        c5 = str (random.choice("1"))
        c6 = str (random.choice("0"))
        c7 = str (random.choice("1"))
        c8 = str (random.choice("1"))
        c9 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c10 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c11 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c12 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c13 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c14 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c15 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c16 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c17 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c18 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c19 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c20 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c21 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c22 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c23 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c24 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c25 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c26 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c27 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c28 = str (random.choice("1"))
        c29 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c30 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c31 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c32 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c33 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c34 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c35 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c36 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c37 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c38 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c39 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c40 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c41 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c42 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c43 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c44 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c45 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c46 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c47 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c48 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c49 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c50 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c51 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c52 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c53 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c54 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c55 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c56 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c57 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c58 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c59 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c60 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c61 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c62 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c63 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c64 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c65 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c66 = str (random.choice("01"))
        c67 = str (random.choice("01"))
        bina = (c1+c2+c3+c4+c5+c6+c7+c8+c9+c10+c11+c12+c13+c14+c15+c16+c17+c18+c19+c20+c21+c22+c23+c24+c25+c26+c27+c28+c29+c30+c31+c32+c33
        combi = int(c1+c2+c3+c4+c5+c6+c7+c8+c9+c10+c11+c12+c13+c14+c15+c16+c17+c18+c19+c20+c21+c22+c23+c24+c25+c26+c27+c28+c29+c30+c31+c32+c33
        combi2 = str(combi)
        b = Decimal(a+combi2)
        rrrr = int(144115188075855872 - ((((((((((b * 128) * 128) * 128) * 128)* 128)  * 128) * 128) * 128)  - 142989288169013248) * 128))
        key = Key.from_int(rrrr)
        addr = key.address
        if addr == "15c9mPGLku1HuW9LRtBf4jcHVpBUt8txKz":
            print ("found!!!",rrrr,addr)
            s1 = str(rrrr)
            s2 = addr
            print (bina,b,rrrr,addr)
        aa = aa +1                    
Activity: 1915
Merit: 2074
hi, could you post the private key to the emptied address

Private key : 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009d18b63ac4ffdf
Public key  : 3f2db2074e3217b3e5ee305301eeebb1160c4fa1e993ee280112f6348637999a e00baccca7595a1af869923463f7f5928452d888fbeb495f827bc28f829ab38f
PrKey WIF c.: KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZi3qYjjb65nDHeqyjiBaJXv
Address c.  : 48214c5969ae9f43f75070cea1e2cb41d5bdcccd
Address c.  : 17aPYR1m6pVAacXg1PTDDU7XafvK1dxvhi
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Nobody admitted the find, so private key is unknown.

The private key is 0x6abe1f9b67e114

Private key : 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006abe1f9b67e114
Public key  : 85a30d8413af4f8f9e6312400f2d194fe14f02e719b24c3f83bf1fd233a8f963 eb400323654cec63999b56f4ba44e8b21ab92d9d697fabe4666df3678585669
PrKey WIF c.: KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZi3qYjidyYKE5NcJQZYvknA
Address c.  : db53d9bbd1f3a83b094eeca7dd970bd85b492fa2
Address c.  : 1LzhS3k3e9Ub8i2W1V8xQFdB8n2MYCHPCa
hi, could you post the private key to the emptied address
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
I guess that the reason is to prove they know the private key. I guess that it was found by the large collider thing, since, from what I know, they ask only for a % of the money after "cracking" the private key of a wallet.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
someone has already succeeded
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
I do not know how, but based on specific mathematical calculations, I'm likely to have a golden Decimal for the address 56 between the 55484347409204500 , 53322619588066700 numbers.

your chart does not show it being in 554 ,533 range

I do not understand.
full member
Activity: 406
Merit: 100
At the time of stopping at 2.3.5 and others. Now that we know in the first 40 private keys it's very easy to be able to enter all 40 keys and get them polynomially to fully match the 40 keys. This function cannot be predicted for the next key. Cool
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