Hex PK: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007CCE5EFDACCF6808
Private key: KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZi3qYv5Z9J7hv7VYYN3XL3Y
62 is still in progress ... I just found 63 faster :-)
What do you use for searching?
Same as previous keys found by me (#59,#60,#61) - the key was found with the BitCrack application
Edit: Sorry for my bad english,it isnt my native language.
For searching for keys I have adapted Tesla working cards that I have at my disposal in the company (which also means no energy costs). I scan the given space in full, and the total speed with which I carry out the search process is 37 200 000 000keys/s (no ... I don't do mistake... is this thirty seven trillion two hundred million keys per second)
My calclulations :
63 bit key all combinations = 9223372036854775808 2^63 ?
for 1 day you can calclulate 3214080000000000 keys
9223372036854775808/3214080000000000 = 2869.6771819166840302668259657507 days
Am i wrong with calclulations ?
Are you use something like pool for all videos or what ? I have some ideas for adapting bitcrack to pool , but i think its useless because we dont know is it have more puzzels like this or more adresses like this for bruteforcing. I try to brute 86 but with no sucess still.. I get only 50Mkey/s even if i clock my video.....
Edit: how much cards and what period of time to brute 63 ?
Hitting # 63 was an extraordinary happiness because I used the last remaining resources to start searching # 63, starting from the end. After three days - I found ...
Responding: it took me three days to use 5% of all my power.
Privat key in 97.5% position in own range. You found him for 3 days. 1 percent for 1.2 days. Calculate, and gette d for checked all range fro 63 bit you nead only 120 days. But if calculate your spead we get 2869 days. How?
And as far as I remember, BitCrack cannot count in the reverse order. "--stride -1" not worked. How you strating from the end?