[27.3.2014] Hei, ja tervetuloa oppimaan Bitcoinista!
Olen Risto Pietilä, suomalainen yrittäjä. Olen perustanut
Jamera kirjakaupan,
Hopea.fi:n ja
Bitcoiniin tutustuin 2010 ja olen omistanut niitä 2011 lähtien. Bitcoinin kurssinousun myötä olen voinut 2013 alkaen keskittyä sitä koskevaan tutkimukseen ja tiedonvälitykseen, jota tämäkin sivu edustaa. Aluksi tiedonvälitys oli kehotusta
ostaa niitä mahdollisimman pian, nyt minulla on enemmän myös tutkimukseen perustuvaa tietoa aiheesta.
Tätä sivua seuraa keskustelu, johon voi osallistua rekisteröitymällä tälle foorumille. Keskustelu käydään suomeksi, ja minulla on moderointioikeus, mikä tarkoittaa käytännössä sitä, että kaikki viestit, jotka eivät perustu tiedonhaluiseen asenteeseen ja pysy aiheessa, poistetaan.
Muitakin suomenkielisiä foorumeita on, ja siellä voi keskustella vapaammin.
Tässä vaiheessa linkit ovat pitkälti englanninkielisiä, mutta tavoite on lukijapalautteen perusteella saada hyviä suomenkielisiä käännöksiä ja lisäyksiä niihin.
IntroductionSatoshi started to run Bitcoin software 3.1.2009. In the first weeks, the community of bitcoin users numbered only a handful. The first BTC/USD transaction was 5,000 bitcoins for $5, ($0.000,001/m
BTC). All the bitcoins of the world were valued at $100 at those prices.
Currently bitcoin is well established in several exchanges with large daily trading volumes. The exchange rate is now about $1/m
BTC, and all the bitcoins are valued at $13
Bitcoin is the first thing in the history of the world whose value has appreciated this much (a millionfold) this quickly (less than 5 years).
This is making many ask the question -
What is this phenomenon called Bitcoin?Bitcoin Economics Resources
Apart from the Beginners' Introduction and the FAQ, the other resources are my primers and forum contribution to the bitcoin knowledge base:
Introduction to BitcoinBitcoin FAQHow bitcoins are distributed among holders of different sizeBitcoin's price trend 2009-2013The TOP-500 Bitcoin wealthiest (not reliable, not updated)"SSS" (Bitcoin Savings Plan)What is the value of a bitcoin (EV method)rpietila Wall Observer (chat thread)
Happened in previous episode of rpietila public diary 12.4.2013-18.6.2013- rpietila explaining how he makes money with bitcoin
- Deduces bitcoin's long term
target price of $300/mBTC- Talking about Real Bills Doctrine
- Sent
BTC13.37 to nkspace, an unknown forum troll
- Organized an international Bitcoin Summit in Finnish country hotel
- Developed concepts of Bitcoin Supernode System and
Bitcoin Dealer Network Association- Closed down due to declining health in anticipation of $1.400/m
BTCHappened in Episode II- Noticing that Bitcoin is designed such (declining mining rewards) that it will likely revert to corporate control starting in 2033
- Design proposal of a CPU-mineable altcoin with ever-increasing monetary base
- This discussion is tied with the
Bitcoin's price trend, which will go to over a million $/BTC in its peak, which is probably 18-48 months from now- Typhoon hit the Philippines, and we are organising the (possibly) first ever P2P cryptocurrency aid effort (lots of PICS)
- The second Bitcoin crash of 2013 is underway
- The thread is closed
Current all-purpose thread
If you want to follow my
stream (all comments, most of which are quite situational).
I use m
BTC whenever practical.
If I have time, I actively moderate the threads for
- bad behavior
- negative posts
- noncontent
- repetition, including "rpietila is k1ng", "+1"
- off topic.
In some threads, most of the content gets deleted after a time, because the threads are preserved for newcomers to be read in entirety.