Here's all you need to know. It's on the way back to where it came from. You can watch from the sidelines or ride it down.
This site is a social scientist's dream. Ten PhDs could be written on the "bro" investment culture, groupthink, and general simple-mindedness. 95% of the responses to my prediction are "NO - ya gotta have faith!!"; "All markets go up and down"; "Think long-term"; and "We are the strong, and we believe".
The "long-term" heroes actually jumped in to get rich quick. When that didn't happen, and faced with losing half their money, they are now prophets of HODL. If the price ever does rise to where they got in, they'll sell, sell, sell. That's a huge barrier to any advance.
But all that doesn't matter.
Bitcoin is GOING DOWN. Back to around
$400, as it was for so long. That's apparently the real value to folks making non-standard financial transactions, primarily criminals.
Again, look at the chart in the link. With what we know now, it's obvious that the
price was manipulated, you were cheated, and
if you hang on you'll lose more.I'll be back in 18 months to say "Told ya so". But I hope you're all out long before then.
EDIT: For the record, I have no crypto coin. All my money is in mutual funds. Still risky but has done well AND you don't get cheated. Sell your BC and buy something sensible like that. You can still be a "playah".
Using a non-ranked alt-account to make an outlandish bear prediction in order to not face defeat when said prediction doesn't happen and we go to all time highs.
I have seen this one before. Kwukduck is that you again?
Sorry, but there is too much demand for Bitcoin, there's no way it's going to $400, because there will be a lot of people buying at higher prices. Anything below $5000 is a steal, anything below $1500 is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Have fun with your mutual funds, you may finally be rich by age 100.
"Dude use a logarithmic scale so you can see more clearly what is going on"Dude, the only reason for log scales or any other charting shenanigans is trying to find some reason to hope. Like I said in the OP - you're just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. You're missing the forest for the trees. Stand back and look at the big picture, which is very clear: It's going down. Of course it will jump around on the way down, but that won't change the overall trend.[And - how do you post pictures right in the message like that?]
You can't post pictures with your newly created alt-account.