I believe I can sum up. For many, many months, Bit365's site was just about the perfect place to gamble in BTC. Sometimes payouts were 3 mins, sometimes 3 days but always eventually.
When the bitcoin went up to $1,000, suddenly there were mysterious problems with liquidity. We received two explanations, but the larger bets were not paid; and he kept advertising money flowing, to the ire of many (myself included). Look at some of the outstanding bets:
Since then, there have been just enough excuses/explanations for him to squeeze by. Yesterday's response is not so much about the outstanding bets as it is about fear of having his identity revealed. CovertOps is correct: Bit365 must "PROVE IT."
The point of doxing someone is to be able to contact him in a less-ignorable way. He can (and does) ignore his PM's, as well as his gmail/hushmail. Would he be so easily able to ignore you if you sent him a text message, left him a voicemail, or sent him a postcard or letter in the snail mail? I doubt it.
I'm working on a document is one step forward in this process. And you'll notice that even my promise of releasing his identity to people to whom he owes money has effected a response by Bit365 -- so in a way, it's already worked!