Hello, great to see you here.
As the creator said, we are also very happy about advertising for this Campaign
To do so, you could wear the signature and/or avatar of this campaign:
I do not want to advertise for the campaign but for the activity, I guess I misinterpreted what he said.
Where did I post anything? I have given some advice to the OP but that's about it. All the decisions have been based off of community opinions and internal decisions. No matter what they do, they cannot help everyone, but they are doing some good for some people.
I would like to see break downs of costs added to the OP. Let the donators see where their money is going and help them decide if they wanna donate more for the causes. I would also like to see more countries being helped vs mainly the Asian region. Many people in need from all countries.
This is for the sake of transparency, which I really think is kind-of great in a way for the public to know.
For cabalism, I understand keeping a very precise atomization of every expenditure is a big task. Especially since its not something that you are getting paid for.
That would be a good thing, but still I can't get any users whom I can be trusted especially now... I don't know how to interview, unlike here crwth and bl4nkcode has been known to me (personally) for a quite time now...
Recommendation how to interview,
1. Set standards.
2. Set questions that would compare response to expectations.
Ask candidate:
Why should I hire you?
Why should I not hire you?
Ask yourself:
Why should I hire him/her?
Why shouldn't I hire him/her?
Yahoo for example do accept participants basing on his standards/mood/whatever. That is one of the perks of having the "last word".
Just remember we cannot please everybody, although we try to.
(why I am meddling with this? I don't know)